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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2009 <br />Agenda No. 09-02 Page 5 of 14 <br />The Alameda as much as - or more than -those who live in The Alameda. As Mr. Baker had <br />pointed out, this paseo is being designed wide enough to accommodate both bicycle and foot <br />traffic, and parallels the community facilities' open space - to nearly double the width of that <br />opening and make it a very generous, comfortable space. Having people in the community area <br />will not only help animate this space, but also make itpedestrian-friendly. <br />Ms. Pattillo pointed out that a variety of trees will be planted in a rhythmic pattern, rather than <br />having a single species lining both sides of the street. The project's tree selection includes <br />redwoods, deciduous, broadleaf, spring-flowering and fall-color varieties, including both <br />California natives and other species that are well-adapted to San Leandro's climate. At the <br />foundation of the building will be a 10-foot wide planting strip that also serves as a vegetated <br />Swale so that water from the building can be filtered. Adjacent to this planting strip is the 12-foot <br />wide multimodal path. Another vegetated Swale, 1 l feet wide, will handle more water from the <br />building as well as some street runoff. A third Swale, up against the Union Pacific railroad tracks, <br />also will accommodate some street runoff. She noted that there is no requirement to treat street <br />runoff, but the development team wanted to do it and the space allows it. Vegetated swales will <br />provide a lush landscaped buffer as well as serving the practical purpose of taking stormwater and <br />filtering out pollutants (with overflow during heavy rains going into storm drains). <br />Ms. Pattillo said that her favorite part of the development is acontext-sensitive steel-beam fence <br />that will serve as a barrier between Martinez Street and the railroad tracks. She considers it a <br />large-scale, functional work of art, with an undulating curving top, that will enliven the pedestrian <br />space and be appealing to people using Martinez Street as well as BART riders who see this <br />"sculpture" - at least until native California redwoods along the railroad tracks grow. These trees <br />will quickly provide a dense screen. She said that The Alameda will "completely transform" <br />Martinez Street. <br />Ms. Tan clarified that Martinez Street will have two travel lanes, with parking on the west side of <br />the street, next to the building. Among Phase I project benefits (including The Cornerstone, the <br />parking garage and infrastructure improvements), she cited: <br />o More than $110 million in total capital investments that will provide a stimulus for the <br />TOD Strategy area. <br />o $24.4 million in grants from the State of California, of which about $10 million is <br />directed toward infrastructure improvements. <br />o Additional income for downtown businesses ($4.5 million annually in additional <br />household expenditures on apparel, food, dining, entertainment, furnishings and personal <br />care). <br />o About 750 construction jobs with project crews ranging from 20 to 80 or more <br />individuals per project. <br />o More than $600,000 in additional annual property taxes. <br />o Increased transit ridership. <br />0 100% BART parking replacement. <br />Among the organizations that have endorsed the development are the San Leandro Chamber of <br />Commerce, Bay Area Council, Greenbelt Alliance, Sierra Club, TaansForm, COR, OSI Software <br />and the Creekside Office Building. Ms. Tan noted that Debra Fair (Kimley-Horn and Associates, <br />Inc.) as well as Ben Metcalf and Art Mayhew (both project managers) were available in the <br />audience to answer any questions if they are needed. <br />Chair Dlugosh invited questions and/or comments from Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Ponder asked whether the units will be air-conditioned. <br />Ms. Tan said that Pacific Plaza residents provided good input about air conditioning in their <br />building. It has air conditioning in common areas and in top-floor units, which seems to be <br />
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