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Vesting Tentative Map-8010 2 March 2, 2009 <br />The Alameda at San Leandro Crossings (Formerly called San Leandro Crossings West, then <br />Cannery Court) is a phased, mixed-use, transit-oriented development located near downtown and <br />the San Leandro BART station. The project consists of 100 affordable housing units that are <br />proposed to be developed adjacent to the existing BART station at the site of the old Del Monte <br />plant. The 100 affordable units are being developed as a way to meet the project's inclusionary <br />housing requirement for future development of the site that could eventually total 700 units. <br />There will also be a BART replacement lot on the proposed lot 3 of the Vesting Tentative Map <br />that will replace the 345 parking spaces from the BART parking lot on the east side of San <br />Leandro Boulevard in a new 345 parking space garage adjacent to the affordable housing project. <br />The replacement parking garage is subject to a future development permit. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council 1) hear the staff presentation; 2) open the public hearing; <br />3) discuss the material; 4) adopt the negative declaration and mitigated monitoring program, and; <br />S) approve Vesting Tentative Map PLN2008-00054 with the attached Conditions of Approval. <br />Because the attached conditions also contain the Site Plan Review Conditions, the conditions <br />only related to the Vesting Tentative Map are subject to the City Council's review and <br />amendment. The specific conditions before the City Council for the Vesting Tentative Map are: <br />Section IlI, numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,15,16,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,30,31,and 32 <br />Section V, numbers 1,2,3,4,5,7,11 <br />Section IX, numbers 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 <br />Section XII, number 1 <br />Section XIII, numbers 1 and 8 <br />Revised Section II, number 1 <br />Revised Section III, numbers 12 and 14 <br />The City Council may also modify conditions as necessary. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Relationship to the Surrounding Area <br />The neighborhood surrounding the subject property is primarily used for public facilities, with <br />the San Leandro BART station located on the east side of the development and Union Pacific and <br />BART railroad tracks framing the boundaries of the project site. Adjacent to the property are <br />commercial and industrial offices with some nearby residential uses. <br />Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy (TOD Strate~y) <br />On September 4, 2007 the San Leandro City Council approved the "San Leandro Transit <br />Oriented Development Strategy' which is a plan that addresses planning and design issues in the <br />area between downtown and the San Leandro BART station. The purpose of developing the TOD <br />Strategy is to provide growth in the transit rich downtown for sustainable development. <br />Downtown San Leandro is an ideal location for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) because <br />the area is served by a variety of transportation sources including AC Transit and BART and <br />because it is near shopping and professional services. With development of housing around the <br />San Leandro BART station, it is expected that this new population will increase the amount of <br />downtown business activity, thereby creating a walkable and pedestrian friendly downtown <br />