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3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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Packet 2009 0302
3A Public Hearing 2009 0302
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2/27/2009 1:02:36 PM
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Vesring Tentarive Map-8010 9 March 2, 2009 <br />AB 32 California Global Warming Solutions Act and SB375 <br />California's major initiatives for reducing climate change or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are <br />outlined in Assembly Bill 32 (signed into law 2006). The bill aims to reduce GHG emissions to <br />1990 levels by 2020 - a reduction of approximately 30 percent, and then an 80 percent reduction <br />below 1990 levels by 2050. The main strategies for making these reductions are outlined in the <br />Scoping Plan being prepared by the California Air Resources Board. These strategies-soon to be <br />requirements-focus on lowering vehicle miles traveled (VMT). San Leandro's TOD Strategy <br />reduces overall VMT in the area which helps bring the City into compliance with existing and <br />current laws related to AB 32. <br />SB375 addresses and clarifies the role of planning and land use as they relate to AB 32. SB 375, <br />which was just signed into law, has as its core provision a requirement for regions with high air <br />pollution to develop a "Sustainable Communities Strategy" (SCS) in order to reduce greenhouse <br />gas emissions from cars. The law says; <br />"The strategy (SCS) is a realistic development pattern that meets a state target for <br />reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while taking into account the region's housing <br />needs, transportation demands, and protection of resource and farm lands. The state will <br />allocate $6 billion a year to transportation projects that implement the SCS. The SCS <br />will be updated every 4-5 years as part of the region's transportation plan." <br />The City of San Leandro's TOD Strategy is the type of plan that SB 375 will be requiring of <br />cities throughout California. The pilot station area plan grant San Leandro received in late 2005 <br />has allowed San Leandro to be a leader in statewide sustainable development strategies. <br />Sustainability <br />Environmental responsibility and sustainability are core principles for the development and the <br />David Baker and Partners design team members have strong experience in green building and <br />environmentally-sensitive design. David Baker and Partners staff members are also LEED <br />(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited. David Baker and Partners have <br />provided leadership in a number of ways, including participating in the LEED-Neighborhood <br />Development Pilot Program and helped create the certification standards for the Build-It Green <br />program. The company has received multiple awards from AIA, Green Communities, the Pacific <br />Coast Builders Conference, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Home Depot and PG&E <br />Flex your Power program in recognition of its green building efforts on other projects. <br />San Leandro Crossings will be built pursuant to Build It Green, anon-profit organization that <br />establishes guidelines for multi-family and other housing and administers the Green Point Rated <br />program. A variety of green initiatives will be reviewed and incorporated from the use of bio- <br />swales to treat storm water and high-efficient mechanical systems to minimize energy, to car <br />share and transit pass programs to reduce the need for automobiles. <br />
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