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a facility at the Davis Street Transfer Station. He will be in contact with Waste Management <br />immediately to be sure San Leandro's project is still on track. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Possible Agenda Items for March 23 Meeting with the Port <br />Aviation Committee <br />Committee members agreed to ask the Port to also support the NOISE slate of legislative <br />priorities, with the addendums recommended by Mr. Gallo. The Port will also be asked to give <br />a report on any Federal Stimulus monies they maybe seeking from aviation funding. <br />6. Discussion Regarding Committee Chair and Meeting Dates and Times <br />The Committee agreed to keep Councilmember Starosciak as the Chair and to continue <br />meeting the first Friday of odd number months at 9:00 a.m. <br />7. Public Comments <br />John Manuel suggested that future visits to Washington, D.C. by City officials should include a <br />meeting with Congressman Jim Oberstar to discuss his efforts to make changes to aviation <br />regulations to better protect communities. He also said that aviation air pollution and <br />environmental issues are increasing, including odors from the Airport's South Field. He would <br />like to see the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) place a monitor in <br />western San Leandro to test emissions from the airport. The Mayor offered to talk with the <br />Alameda County Mayors' Conference representative on the BAAQMD about local monitoring. <br />Francois Gallo commented that the Port has a maritime air quality improvement plan in the <br />works for trucks. He asked if the Airport could develop a similar plan for airport tenant ground <br />equipment not yet converted to cleaner technologies (i.e. tugs for airplanes and conveyer <br />equipment for cargo and luggage). The Committee members agreed to add this to the list of <br />discussion items with the Port's Committee on March 23. <br />8. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />9. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:04 a.m. <br />