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Airport Highlights 2009 0306
City Clerk
City Council
Airport Committee
Airport Highlights 2009 0306
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Last modified
3/16/2009 2:18:53 PM
Creation date
3/16/2009 2:16:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0316
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Francois Gallo asked that NOISE also consider advocating for removal of lead from aviation <br />gas and revisiting the EPA's categorical exclusions for air pollution for the aviation industry. <br />Committee members agreed to add this language to the correspondence to San Leandro's <br />Congressional Representatives. <br />Recommendation <br />Direct staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature in support of NOISE's legislative <br />priorities and recommendations made by the community. <br />4. Report from North Field and South Field Study Groups and Aviation Stakeholders <br />Advisory Committee <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that the airport is still planning the expansion of the Business Jet <br />Center. In response to San Leandro's request, the period of time for comments on the Drafted <br />Initial Study and Negative Declaration was extended. Port Planning staff reports that they are <br />still reviewing comments received and determining the next steps to take. <br />Ms. Ornelas reported that the Airport's Noise Office is now fully staffed with the addition of a <br />new Associate Noise Specialist, Jesse Richardson. <br />The Corporate Jet Compliance Study is moving forward, with Environmental Science <br />Associates as the consultant to the Port. Kathy Ornelas and John Manuel are representing San <br />Leandro on the steering committee, and the first meeting to review the scope of work was held <br />in January. The study is anticipated to be a 5 month project. <br />John Manuel and Wayne Bryant reported on the South Field Group's meeting on March 5. <br />FedEx now has a representative attending the meetings, James Baas. He has already brought <br />suggestions to the group for reducing noise events with rolling take-offs. He had no new news <br />from FedEx as to when 727s will be retired from the fleet at Oakland. The economy could be a <br />factor in that the 727s are paid for while the replacement aircraft still have to be purchased. <br />Kathy Ornelas gave a report from the Aviation Stakeholder's Committee. The Runway Safety <br />Area (RSA) project is in the planning stages and a Scoping Meeting has been planned for an <br />Environmental Assessment on the project. Ms. Ornelas commented that the construction of the <br />RSAs will have no impact on San Leandro. However, as each RSA is being construction on <br />each runway, the traffic on each runway will have to be diverted to other runways, creating <br />new noise impacts for neighborhoods. Construction of each RSA could take weeks or even <br />months. Staff will be sending a comment letter to the Port asking that a full assessment be <br />made of noise impacts from the diversion of air traffic during the project, and that a full <br />mitigation plan be created to address these impacts. <br />Also, Ms. Ornelas reported that the Committee was given a presentation by Pacific Biogas <br />Energy, a company that hopes to build an organics recycling facility at the north end of Earhart <br />Drive to generate CNG and/or electricity from compost trucked in from the Davis Street <br />Transfer Station. The Mayor commented that Pacific Biogas Energy has also proposed to build <br />
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