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Councilmember Prola questioned if two Community Crime Prevention officers were needed or <br />was it possible to have one and move the other office to a specific beat. He also wanted to <br />remind the public that the City is not actually cutting 58 positions, because almost 33 are <br />currently vacant. He asked staff to advise the Committee what benefits are attached to these <br />positions. <br />Mayor Santos recommended that staff look at revenue enhancement and contact Sacramento <br />regarding implementing our Charter provision. He would like staff to reconsider some of these <br />aspects prior to March 23rd, and maybe by that time we will know what is going on with the <br />State. <br />Hollister, suggested afollow-up finance committee meeting for Tuesday, February 24, 2009 or <br />Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 9:OOam. He advised the Committee that the expenditure cuts were <br />immediate but getting the revenues would not be. <br />Mayor Santos mentioned the state has borrowed money to balance the budget and if the City of <br />San Leandro can put together some revenue increases, perhaps the City could borrow money in <br />other funds or elsewhere to hold us over until those revenues start to come in. <br />Councilmember Prola thanked all the departments for their presentations. <br />3. Public Comments <br />Dave Johnson of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce expressed his interest in working with <br />the City Manager and Community Development in developing ways to attract new business, <br />while keeping existing businesses in the City of San Leandro. <br />4. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:44p.m. <br />4 <br />