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S. No person shall dispose of, nor permit the disposal, directly or indirectly, of <br />vehicle fluids, hazardous materials, or rinse water from parts cleaning <br />operations into storm drains. <br />T. No vehicle fluid removal shall be performed outside a building, nor on <br />asphalt or ground surfaces, whether inside or outside a building, except in <br />such a manner as to ensure that any spilled fluid will be in an area of <br />secondary containment. Leaking vehicle fluids shall be contained or drained <br />from the vehicle immediately. <br />U. No person shall leave unattended drip parts or other open containers <br />containing vehicle fluid, unless such containers are in use or in an area that <br />cannot discharge to the stone drain, such as an area with secondary <br />containment. <br />V. Impervious Gravel Paving noted on Sheet A-1 is not a familiar type of <br />pavement, please define. Confirm that the fire department has no issue with <br />the proposed paving type. <br />VI. FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />A. Site and Building plans shall be provided for review and approval by the Fire <br />Department as part of the building permit submittal process. The plans <br />submitted shall show of the project site and building comply with the San <br />Leandro Building and Fire Codes including but not limited to the building <br />size, wall ratings, opening protection, parapet locations, and approved <br />alternate materials to provide equivalency for emergency vehicle access. <br />B. Each manually operated gate that serves as a means of fire access shall have <br />installed a Knox Key Box accessible from the entrance side of the gate. <br />C. All electrically controlled gates shall be provided with an emergency gate <br />over-ride Knox key switch for fire department access. <br />VII. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />A. The project site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of litter, <br />debris and weeds at all times; during construction, the site shall be well <br />maintained and shall be kept free of litter, debris and weeds. <br />B. Any graffiti shall be promptly removed from building walls and/or fences. <br />The developer and its successors in interest shall comply with the rules and <br />regulations of the City's graffiti removal program and shall grant a license <br />and right of entry as requested to enforce the terms of such program. <br />C. Any lighting shall be high pressure sodium or other energy conserving <br />lighting and shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with traffic <br />on adjacent streets and so as not to shine on adjacent properties, details <br />subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Zoning Enforcement Official <br />or Community Development Director. <br />PLN2008-00045 November 3, 2008 <br />Conditions of Approval Page 7 of 8 <br />