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o Saw-cut both of City's fiber optic lines early into the job <br />o Damage emphasizes need for fiber-ring to provide back-up system <br />o Public Works Services oversaw replacement /repair <br />o EBMUD will be billed for repair <br />Chamber Building Demolition <br />o Pre-bid meeting March Stn <br />o Accepting bids soon <br />o Will take building down in May <br />• Street Rehab Project <br />o Project includes both Aladdin and Washington <br />o Taking advantage of stimulus money <br />o Plans are complete <br />o Requesting Caltrans approval for Federal funds <br />2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) <br />Uche Udernezue explained the CIP ranking process and presented handouts to the <br />Committee. Discussion ensued. Committee agreed that the top ten items in the ranking <br />had fairly good consistency and were arranged by City need. Uche stated that projects <br />with citywide impact had the most consistent ranking and that projects with specific <br />district impact had more discrepancies. After much discussion, Councilmember Souza. <br />recommended that any items that were ranked in the top five by Council should be on the <br />list of the top sixty projects. She subsequently recommended that anything with an <br />average Council scoring of 5.0 and above should also be on the list for detailed scoping <br />and estimating by Engineering and Transportation staff. Twenty-two projects fell into <br />this category. Mayor Santos and Councilmember Reed agreed. <br />The Committee recommended that CIP projects ranked in the top five by Council and any <br />projects with a ranking of 5.0 and above from Council should be on the list of the top <br />sixty CIP projects. This recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council Finance <br />Committee for further consideration. <br />3. Public Comments <br />Corina Lopez commented on the CIP ranking list acknowledging a huge need for <br />improvements especially in parks. She stated that it makes no sense to put new parks in <br />the City when other existing parks have the need for improvements. <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />5. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. <br />