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<br />3 <br />~(~uIlCIL <br />~'~~T1IIC11 ~~i'U:~2C~ ~TOJ2Ct ~~e `~oO~ ~'OIO- ~11II11T1~I'~' ~e~CI'I~~:LI~JIl <br />t~a~~kirr~g ~'~verage ~~Ttzl~~~er ;~te~eri~Ig <br />(i-to) C~mtnitte <br />e <br /> 77 <br />A~jil4t L.:1 ._ - _ <br /> l~$I31~II1 g <br />13 5.4~} llilarina Park 2003.0370 P 37 This project will replace the irrigation system at Marina Park. Improvements <br /> Irrigation will be compatible with the use of reclaimed water. <br /> Improvements <br />Riprap 2003.0650 1~/I 3~ Annual allocation for riprap repairs at the Marina and study of long term <br />Improvements~Repalr repair solutions for the deteriorating articulated block mat. <br />s <br />3'7 3.~6 IVlarilla Community 2005.0060 B 39 Redesign & construction of store front on the south side. Current store front <br />Center ~Ialkway enclosure allows water from irrigation and rain to leak into facility <br />Enc~OSUre <br />Chabot Park 2005.0040 P 4o Replace and iTpgrade two existing playgrounds incl new equipment, demolish <br />Playground and the existing amphitheater and construct a new amphitheater adjacent to the <br />amphitheater restrooms. Work is portion of the park master plan. <br />Replacement <br />38 3.43 Washing~on Manor 2003.0320 P 44 This will renovate the entire Manor Parkin accordance with the city Parks <br />Park Renovation Master Plan. <br />Tennis Court 2oog.ol'7o P q.2 Complete reconstruction of all City tennis courts. This includes 6 courts at <br />Reconstruction Pac;4 courts at Death; 6 courts of Cherry Grove; and 4 courts at Manor Park <br />Page ~ of a9 <br />Tuesday, March io, 2oog <br />