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2. Increase housing opportunities for homeless and extremely low-income <br />households. 15,000 additional supportive housing units will provide affordable <br />housing and services to extremely low-income persons and families. <br />3. Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence. Culturally <br />competent, accessible, and coordinated support services must accompany housing. <br />Such services will help people increase their independence, improve their quality of <br />life, and retain their housing even through crises. Over time, these services create a <br />significant reduction in the use of costly emergency medical and social services. <br />4. Measure success and report outcomes. Evaluating outcomes will ensure <br />accountability to the broader community and allow participating agencies and <br />government entities to measure success and target resources toward best practices. <br />S. Develop long-term leadership and build political will. Success will be achieved by <br />establishing a leadership structure and community engagement to support creative <br />solutions to homelessness and sustain systems change activities. <br />Progress on last year's objectives and work that will continue into FY09-10 <br />• In addition to Oakland and Berkeley, the Cities of San Leandro and Fremont have <br />developed local implementation strategies. Pleasanton, Dublin, and Livermore are <br />collaborating in a Tri-Valley implementation strategy. <br />• Secured 381 additional housing vouchers or operating subsidies. <br />• 131 new units under development. <br />• Placed 950 households into permanent housing. <br />• Developed measuring tools for tracking the length of time persons spend homeless <br />within the system and will work on decreasing that time by 15% in the coming fiscal <br />year. <br />• Completed research on previous prevention efforts in Alameda County and best <br />practices will recommend a pilot prevention program to be launched in FY09. <br />• Efforts to implement the strategy to convert 1,200 General Assistance recipients to <br />Supplemental Social Security Income are on-going and still in the design phase. <br />• Work continues with the City of Oakland to convert one or more Oakland hotels into <br />permanent supportive housing. <br />• The evolution of the Emergency Care system has taken the shape of developing <br />common outcomes for local funding streams within various county and city agencies. <br />The fenders and providers are collaborating on developing contract level outcomes <br />that support emergency shelter and service providers to evolve into housing first <br />organizations -solving homelessness rather than managing it. <br />• The supportive housing database is designed and data input will begin next month. <br />The database should be ready to go live early in FY09. <br />For more detailed information please refer to the Alameda County Everyone Home Plan at <br />www. everyonehom e. org. <br />Final Action Plan - FY2009-10 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 73 <br />