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Reso 2009-053
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-053
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4/23/2009 2:12:50 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2009 0420
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2009\Packet 2009 0420
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PART III. OTHER ACTIONS <br />BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING <br />Funding <br />The lack of available funds for affordable housing activities continues to be a problem for the <br />City. Along with its CDBG funds, the City will also seek to maximize leveraging of its available <br />HOME, Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside, and City Affordable Housing Trust funds towards <br />affordable housing activities in the coming fiscal year with any other funding resources it can <br />utilize. <br />Land Costs <br />New construction and acquisition/rehabilitation of housing will be impacted by the high cost of <br />land in the Bay Area. The viability- and feasibility of future City-assisted affordable housing <br />developments may depend on the reasonableness of the land acquisition costs. The City will <br />conduct financial feasibility analyses on aproject-by-project basis to ensure it is not over- <br />subsidizing affordable housing developers for any land purchase. Also, the City will continue to <br />work with owners of existing rental units to provide financing in exchange for affordability <br />covenants. <br />The high cost of buying a home in the Bay Area has made it difficult for first-time homebuyers <br />to become homeowners. Through funding for affordable ownership housing developments, the <br />City's First-Time Homebuyer Program (which is funded solely with Redevelopment Housing <br />Set-Aside funds) and referrals to the variety of existing public down-payment or financial <br />assistance programs, the City will seek to help low- and moderate-income new homebuyers. <br />Construction Costs <br />In addition to high land costs, the rising cost of construction can also negatively affect the <br />development of affordable housing construction and rehabilitation. In addition to undertaking <br />financial feasibility analyses on aproject-by-project basis to ensure that the City is not over- <br />subsidizing development costs for affordable housing developers, the City will continue to work <br />with them as well through design, planning and financing review and recommendations to reduce <br />increased construction costs. <br />Local Policies/Regulations <br />The City approved an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance in December 2004 that required <br />developers to set aside 15% of their new ownership or rental housing units for low- and <br />moderate-income households. The City will monitor the progress of its inclusionary zoning <br />requirement and assess, if necessary, how it can be improved through coordination with <br />developer and other public input. <br />LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARD REDUCTION <br />The City's Single Family Rehabilitation Program, which includes low-interest loans and minor <br />home repair grants, for eligible low-income homeowners is now funded solely with <br />Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds. Despite no longer using federal CDBG dollars, the <br />Residential Rehabilitation Program includes lead-based paint awareness and information <br />Fina! Action Plan - FY2009-10 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 16 <br />
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