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HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program Application for Senior Center <br />Applicant: City of San Leandro <br />1. Proiect Description <br />The City is requesting a Section 108 loan to complete the final phase (Phase 2) of the <br />new senior center. Phase 2 involves the construction of the new senior center facility. The <br />new City senior center is a high priority for the City and its residents because no such <br />facility currently exists. The new center will allow for consolidation of the City's existing <br />senior services into one centrally located and accessible site. The senior center is also a <br />high priority under the City's current HUD Five Year Consolidated Plan for FY 2005- <br />2009. <br />The senior center will be located at 13909 East 14th Street, which is the major public <br />transit and commercial corridor in the City. The senior center is also adjacent to San <br />Leandro Hospital, which will help coordinate senior programs and activities with the <br />center. The center will be about 20,000 square feet and sit on a 0.85 acre site. The City <br />will own the senior center building and land underneath the building. Key features of the <br />new building include: <br />• Main meeting hall <br />• Smaller meeting rooms <br />• Exercise room <br />• Arts and crafts room <br />• Kitchen <br />• Computer lab <br />• Space for services (e.g., health clinics, counseling) <br />• Design features for the building to serve as the City's new Emergency Operations <br />Center when major disasters occur <br />• 57 parking spaces will be built under Phase 2 (the senior center will have 227 <br />parking spaces but 170 spaces have been built on an adjacent site to the senior <br />center site under Phase 1, which has been completed). <br />The City now seeks needed gap funding for $2.5 million from the Section 108 loan <br />program to finish construction of the senior center facility. From FY 2002-03 through FY <br />2008-09, the City has allocated nearly $3.5 million in CDBG funds to the senior center <br />project for feasibility study/planning, acquisition of the senior center site, design, and <br />construction for Phase 1 (senior center parking lot and infrastructure improvements) and <br />Phase 2 (senior center construction) through its annual HUD Consolidated Plan and <br />citizen participation process. Phase 1 was completed in February 2009 and included 170 <br />parking spaces (which will be shared with the adjacent San Leandro Hospital) along with <br />sidewalk, ramps, lighting and landscaping. Phase 2, which is in need of the $2.5 million <br />from HUD Section 108 loan funds, has been underway since October 2008. <br />The acquisition and construction of the senior center received HUD environmental <br />clearance beginning in FY 2004-05. The City prepared an environmental assessment, <br />published it for required public review and forwarded to HUD for further public review, <br />submitted a "Request for Release of Funds" to HUD and received formal HUD <br />2 <br />