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8C Consent 2009 0504
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Packet 2009 0504
8C Consent 2009 0504
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5/1/2009 11:00:37 AM
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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 2 <br />April 27, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council Special Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />Gloria Pineo, San Leandro resident <br />, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />importance of keeping San Leandro Hospital open, especially for disasters and <br />emergencies. Ms. Pineo expressed concerns about the future neighbor to the new <br />Senior Center and school campus. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos provided clarifications on the San Leandro Hospital situation. He <br />commented that the present discussions have been about taking the hospital into another <br />direction, rather than closure, and that the City has no jurisdiction over the Eden <br />Township Healthcare District. The agreement that Sutter entered into with the District <br />to operate the hospital allows Sutter to terminate the agreement between July 1, 2009 <br />and June 30, 2010. Mayor Santos announced that the Board of Supervisors has <br />rescheduled the San Leandro Hospital item from April 28 to May 12. Mayor Santos <br />reported that he had attended a recent Eden Township Healthcare District Board <br />meeting and suggested that the Board make a public statement regarding its intentions <br />for the San Leandro Hospital. He noted that a confidentiality agreement between Sutter <br />and the District has prohibited any public comments, but he is hopeful that a public <br />statement will be made by both parties in the near future. Mayor Santos also reported <br />that he and City Manager Steve Hollister recently met with Sutter, Supervisor Alice Lai- <br />Bitker, and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency Director David Kears to <br />discuss the San Leandro Hospital situation. Mayor Santos commented that the hospital <br />issue is very complex. He stated that he had looked into other suggested options. <br />Incorporating the District within the City boundary would entail a lengthy process <br />through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). A ballot measure to <br />support the hospital would likely result in a similar situation as Alameda Hospital, in <br />which every parcel pays between $300 to $400 per year, but the hospital still cannot <br />operate profitably and requires subsidy. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Stephens thanked Mayor Santos for the insight. He commented that the <br />proposed resolution is very general and expressed that he is not ready to vote on the <br />resolution until he understands the full dimension of the situation. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos expressed understanding of Vice Mayor Stephenssentiments. Mayor <br />Santos commented that St. Rose Hospital is classified as a disproportionate hospital. <br />Hospitals in this classification provide basic healthcare service for the poor, and receive <br />additional federal and state funding. San Leandro Hospital does not have such <br />classification. Mayor Santos noted two other facets to the problem: 1) <br />investment portfolio dropped significantly last year, and 2) Operational subsidy for the <br />San Leandro Hospital runs between $1.2 to $1.5 million per month. <br /> <br />Councilmember Prola commented that Sutter, a nonprofit organization, is making <br />profits in Alameda County, and that profits from other Sutter hospitals would offset the <br />loss from the San Leandro Hospital. He expressed that Sutter has an obligation to keep <br />the emergency room open and should have some concerns for San Leandro and <br />Alameda County. He recommended that the City Council put some pressure on Sutter <br />to keep the emergency room open. <br /> <br /> <br />
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