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<br />Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page 10 <br />December 20, 1999 <br />8. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />A. Mayor Young commended and thanked Ed Buchman for his service to the <br />community. <br />B. Council Member Lothrop wished everyone Happy Holidays and said she will not <br />be here for the January 3`~ City Council Meeting due to family commitments. <br />C. Council Member Loeffler commented, with reference to the Joint Lease <br />Agreements with the Schools, that he was suggesting consideration be given, in <br />naming those fields, to honor our sister-city program. He continued by asking and <br />receiving clarification on the public-input process, agendas and minutes as they <br />relate to Ad Hoc Committee Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings. He <br />concluded by wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday! <br />D. Council Member Glaze, in response to Howard Kerr's comments, indicated the <br />City Council has been working on the issue of flood control and the flood-control <br />maps. He commented briefly on the construction fees for the canal planned for the <br />azea. He indicated the public needs to know what the City and legislators aze <br />doing with regard to the flood-control canal and the costs involved as there are <br />potential assessments for the property owners involved. He concluded by <br />extending Holiday greetings to City staff, the community, and the men and women <br />from the City's workforce who work during the Christmas holidays. <br />E. Council Member Nazdine commented on the request for a cigarette store at the <br />Greenhouse. She indicated she would like some policy regazding this issue as it <br />seems like these stores are temporary, and nothing of quality stays there for long. <br />She continued by asking if the City has conducted a community survey in the <br />Washington Manor area regarding their needs, quality-of--life issues, what they <br />would like to see in their azea in the future, and what were the results. She <br />concluded by stating she would like the City Council to consider a moratorium on <br />those types of stores, referencing cigazette stores, liquor stores, and check-cashing <br />establishments. <br />The Mayor indicated the cigarette store issue will be added to the list and the issue <br />of a moratorium will be brought to the City Council on January 3`~ for <br />consideration. <br />F. Council Member Grant wished everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. <br />G. Vice Mayor Galvan thanked Mr. Buchman for all of his hard work and <br />contributions to the community. He also thanked Kathy Ornelas regarding the <br />dedication of Bruner Plaza. He concluded by wishing staff, his colleagues, and the <br />community, a happy, healthy and prosperous new season. <br />