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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page 11 <br />December 20, 1999 <br />H. Council Member Loeiller questioned where the issue of the Flood Control <br />concerns will go - to staff or to a City Council Committee? <br />Council Member Glaze indicated there was a huge public hearing on this issue, and <br />the issue was dropped at that point. He said the City did a great thing and took <br />the extra step to notify residents and inform them of the proposed boundary <br />changes from FEMA, which then caused people to think the City was involved in <br />the setting of the boundaries. He said he hopes staff will follow up on the input <br />that has been received and provide information to the residents. <br />The Mayor added that City staff actually "went to bat" for the public and pushed <br />to have some homes removed and new maps drawn. She noted the City Manager <br />can respond regarding staff follow-up on this issue during his comments. <br />Mayor Young indicated she will, with help from Council Member Glaze and Vice <br />Mayor Galvan, put together a Commendation for Mr. Buchman and present it at <br />the next Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Meeting. <br />9. CITY MANAGER' S REPORT AND COMII~NTS <br />A. In response to the Long's employee concern expressed earlier, the City Manager <br />indicated Mr. Torte was probably issued an $18.00 parking ticket. He commented <br />on the parking issues in the downtown area and noted it is a problem for <br />employees. The City Manager notified Mr. Toste that there is aparking-ticket <br />protest process in place. He further indicated the parking-problem issue is being <br />undertaken by the City Council Ad Hoc Parking Issues Committee, and a report <br />with recommendations regarding parking issues will be given to the City Council. <br />B. The City Manager thanked Council Members Glaze and Grant for acknowledging <br />employees who have to work during the holidays and noted he and Wandzia <br />Grycz, Assistant City Manager, along with other City officials, will be on duty at <br />City Hall beginning at 8:00 p.m. on Dec. 31~ to deal with any disaster- <br />preparedness issues that might come up. City Council Members are invited to stop <br />by. <br />C. In response to the flood-control issue, the City Manager indicated the City's role is <br />important. He said staff will be putting together a history of the flood-control <br />issue and providing it to those affected residents and the City Council. <br />D. In conclusion, the City Manager expressed his appreciation to the City Council for <br />extending his contract for two years and said he looks forward to working toward <br />the goals the City Council has set for him. He wished everyone a very happy <br />holiday season. <br />