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Inst 2005388458
City Clerk
City Council
Recorded Documents
Inst 2005388458
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8/12/2009 4:02:01 PM
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5/12/2009 4:03:07 PM
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Inst 2005388457
\City Clerk\City Council\Recorded Documents\2005
RDA Reso 2005-013
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2005
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4.03 Prohibition Against Transfer of Property and Assignment of Agreement. <br />The Developer shall not voluntarily or involuntarily make or attempt any total or partial sale, <br />transfer, conveyance, assignment or lease ("Transfer") of the whole or any part of the Property or the <br />buildings or structures thereon or this Agreement without the prior written approval of the Agency, unless <br />such transfer is made: a) to an owner-occupant household; orb) to a partnership in which one of the <br />members of Developer is the managing general partner or to a corporation or limited liability corporation in <br />which Developer is the majority shareholder or owner of a majority of other ownership interests (together, <br />uPermitted Transferees"). The Agency's approval may be given by the Executive Director unless the <br />Executive Director, in his or her discretion, refers the matter of approval to the Agency Board, This <br />prohibition shall not be deemed to prevent the granting of temporary easements or permits to facilitate <br />development required pursuant to this Agreement. <br />If the Developer proposes a Transfer of the Property or a portion thereof to a transferee other than <br />a Permitted Transferee, the proposed transferee shall have the qualifications and financial resources <br />necessary and adequate as may be reasonably determined by the Agency to fulfill the obligations <br />undertaken in this Agreement by the Developer. Any transferee, by instrument in writing satisfactory to the <br />Agency and inform recordable among the land records, for itself and its successors and assigns, and for <br />the benefit of the Agency shall expressly assume all of the obligations of the Developer under this <br />Agreement relating to the Property and agree to be subject to all the conditions and restrictions to which the <br />Developer is subject. There shall be submitted to the Agency for review all instruments and other legal <br />documents proposed to effect any such Transfer; and if approved by the Agency its approval shall be <br />indicated to the Developer in writing. In the absence of specific written agreement by the Agency, no <br />Transfer by Developer shall be deemed to relieve the Developer or any other Party from any obligations <br />under this Agreement. <br />Article Five: GENERAL REMEDIES DURING DEVELOPMENT <br />5.01 Scope of Remedies. <br />During the development of the Improvements, and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of <br />Completion for such Improvements hereof, the following shall govern the Parties' remedies for breach of <br />the Agreement. <br />5.02 No Fault of Parties. <br />The following events constitute a basis for Developer, otherwise allowed by this Agreement, to <br />terminate this Agreement: <br />(a) Developer, despite good faith efforts, is unable to obtain permits or approvals from <br />the City of San Leandro which are satisfactory for Developer to construct the Improvements on the <br />Property; <br />(b) Developer, despite good faith efforts on the part of both the Agency and <br />Developer, is unable to obtain approval of the Construction Plans, in the time provided in Article Three of <br />this Part; <br />
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