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<br />Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page 13 <br />September 21,1998 <br />C. City Council Comments <br />Council Member Glaze referenced the closing of Hudson Lumber Company on <br />San Leandro Boulevazd. He noted that, a number of yeazs ago, part of the <br />Master Plan far Streets included the extension of Aladdin to San Leandro <br />Boulevard to complete the east/west corridor. He stated that, before anything <br />is disposed of that property, he wanted to make sure that is still in the Master <br />Plan for the possible extension. <br />Staff responded that Hudson Lumber is not planning on disposing that <br />property but will be using the property for storage for some time. Staff will <br />take note of his concerns for any future actions. <br />2. Council Member Loeffler reported on his attendance at the Senior Fair held on <br />September 17 and said it was well attended. He commented on the need for <br />future discussion regazding a Senior Center. <br />Council Member Loeffler continued by expressing concerns with shopping <br />carts and urban blight. He noted his displeasure with disrespect in the <br />community over the use of shopping carts. He questioned if the City should <br />consider an ordinance regazding mandatory deposits for carts, etc. He <br />questioned if it is an issue to work on with the League of California Cities, <br />also. <br />Council Member Loeffler commented on SB 1477 (Kopp), which is a bill that <br />would split monies between cities and counties for rehabilitation and storm <br />damage of local streets. He asked for the status of that bill. <br />Wandzia Grycz noted that bill was referred to the Governor with a request <br />from the League of California Cities for signature. <br />The Mayor noted she sent a letter to Senator Lockyer and Senator Kopp, as <br />well as everyone on the Committee. <br />Council Member Loeffler concluded by stating there is finally some progress <br />on railroad crossings, and it is outlined in the latest newsletter. <br />3. Mayor Young noted her attendance at the Pena Francia Celebration last week <br />and Cabrillo Day. She also commented on the last performance of Summer <br />Music in the Air on September 27, and that on September 28, there would be <br />no Council Meeting. <br />The Mayor concluded her comments by noting the upcoming Sausage & Suds <br />Event to take place October 4, 1998. <br />