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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page 12 <br />September 21, 1998 <br />harry Manisqual, Representing the San Lorenzo Unified School District, <br />addressed the Council and noted the potential for a bus inlet for Corvallis School. <br />He noted the issue will go to the School Site Committee soon. They will be <br />analyzing the Washington Manor site, also. <br />Council Member Nardine requested the meeting be an open meeting with the <br />community. It was noted there will be hand-delivered flyers distributed throughout <br />the neighborhood and area. <br />Q. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br />None <br />7. OPEN FORUM <br />Open Forum is limited to 3 minutes maximum per speaker, 15 minutes total. <br />A. Laverne Anderson, 1495-159` Avenue, addressed the Council and commented <br />on a disabled neighbor of his that gets picked up by bus. He suggested they have <br />bus flashing lights. He also expressed concerns with speeding on the street and <br />cited specific examples of speeding in his neighborhood. <br />B. Emily Rogers, 2224 88'~ Avenue, Oakland, addressed the Council, stating she <br />attends the Miss Kitty's Circle Club and that it is a good establishment within the <br />neighborhood. She expressed concerns with police in the area for no apparent <br />reason and commented that the establishment feels safe and there is nothing going <br />on there that would cause one to feel unsafe. <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND COIVIlVIENTS <br />A Reports on Intergovernmental Agencies <br />None <br />B. Reports on City Council Committees <br />Mayor Young noted the previous Finance Committee would be meeting until <br />budget adjustments are acted upon. That Committee consists of Council <br />Members Glaze, Lothrop, and Mayor Young. The next meeting of the Finance <br />Committee is scheduled for October 6, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. <br />