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1VIINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 4, 2009 <br />opening of their restaurant, and Councilmember Prola and his wife for the recent Daily <br />Review article on their "power couple" status. Councilmember Gregory announced a June 22 <br />Chamber of Commerce event at the Library, which will showcase San Leandro, and <br />commented on the successful Roosevelt Elementary School auction fundraiser held last <br />Saturday night. Councilmember Gregory echoed the sentiments expressed by <br />Councilmember Prola about the Town Hall meeting on the future of San Leandro Hospital, <br />and he thanked Councilmembers Prola and Reed for attending. He estimated 120-140 people <br />attended the meeting in the City Council Chamber, which was held to start a community <br />dialogue on the hospital situation. Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia, Alameda <br />County Supervisor Nate Miley, Shawn Wilson (Chief of Staff to Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker), <br />Senator Ellen Corbett, Washington Hospital CEO Nancy Farber, and St. Rose Hospital CEO <br />Michael Mahoney, all spoke at the meeting. Councilmember Gregory stated that another <br />meeting is proposed for this Friday evening. <br />Mayor Santos commented that other local hospitals may be in danger of closing as well, and <br />the situation needs to be examined from a regional perspective. He thanked former <br />Councilmembers Bob Glaze and Glenda Nardine for their research and choice of light fixtures <br />for the Downtown. Mayor Santos indicated that the Army Corps of Engineers has received an <br />additional $1 million for dredging of the Marina. Mr. Hollister stated that City staff will look <br />into what the additional allocation will mean to the project. Mayor Santos announced that he <br />would adjourn tonight's meeting in memory of Mike Shannon and Mayor Emeritus Jack <br />Maltester. <br />Mayor Santos read the following statement: <br />"I have extended my condolences to the Maltester family on the passing of Mayor Emeritus <br />Jack Maltester. Mayor Emeritus Jack Maltester lived a very long and happy life. He was able <br />to be born, live and die in his family home. He loved his city; he served it well during his <br />lifetime. He spent a little over 22 years as a member of the City Council, and 20 of those as <br />mayor. He was the first directly elected mayor of our city, and I know he was proud of this <br />city, this community, and the people who resided here. I recall him as an advisor to President <br />Richard Nixon, and one who helped establish revenue sharing for cities. He served as <br />president of the League of California Cities, and as president of the U.S. Conference of <br />Mayors. He was a small town mayor who found himself on the cover of a national magazine. <br />The City of San Leandro owes him and his colleagues of the SOs and 60s, a great deal of <br />gratitude for developing our marina, and having the foresight to purchase land along our <br />shoreline, which will remain a part of San Leandro in perpetuity. He was known for many <br />other things too numerous to mention this evening, but Mayor Maltester, as the citizen of the <br />20`x' century here in San Leandro, you will never be forgotten." <br />13. ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. and <br />• In memory of Mike Shannon. <br />• In memory of Mayor Emeritus Jack Maltester. <br />