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Proposed City Budget -Page 2 of 4 - June 1, 2009 <br />recommended. Specifically, staff, at Council's Budget Workshop of March 23, 2009, noted that <br />the City's Self Insurance Fund has sufficient funds to support cone-time transfer to the General <br />Fund. Accordingly, the proposed budget includes a transfer of $1.4 million from the Self <br />Insurance Fund to the General Fund. <br />Overall, the expenditure budget proposed for 2009-10 totals $134.6 million. The City's General <br />Fund accounts for $78.2 million of this request, the Redevelopment Agency, $15.1 million, <br />Enterprise activities, (Water Pollution Control, Environmental Services, Shoreline Fund and <br />Storm Water Fund) $12.8 million and all other activities, $28.5 million for 2009-10. <br />CITY COUNCIL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REVIEW <br />City Council received the City Manager's Proposed Budget for 2009-10 on May 14, 2009. At <br />the City Council meeting of May 18, 2009, there was a presentation of the Proposed City's RDA <br />and Capital Improvement Budgets. During Council's discussion and review of the budgets, <br />Council specifically referred to the recommended closure of Farrelly Pool. <br />The Mayor noted that Farrelly Pool was on the Finance Committee agenda for the following day, <br />May 19, 2009. The Mayor further indicated that he anticipated that a recommendation on the <br />Farrelly Pool closure would be forthcoming from the Finance Committee, and would be reported <br />to Council at the June 1, 2009 Council meeting. Council indicated no other changes to the <br />various budgets. <br />The Finance Committee, on May 19, 2009, received additional input from the public and a report <br />from staff regarding Farrelly Pool The Recreation and Human Services Director outlined a plan <br />that would provide a partial opening of the Farrelly Pool for the 2009 swim season. Further, the <br />Director indicated that sufficient cost savings could be realized in other budget areas to fund the <br />limited opening. <br />The Director also recommended increasing recreational swim fees to help defray costs, to which <br />the Finance Committee agreed. In addition, the City Manager indicated that if the City's <br />financial position worsens, Farrelly Pool could be further restricted for the 2010 swim season. <br />The Finance Committee indicated its approval. <br />In terms of the Proposed Budget, it is not necessary to amend the appropriations amount <br />originally presented to Council since the limited opening is being funded from cost savings. <br />However, the Final Budget narrative will be updated to reflect the limited opening of Farrelly <br />Pool, if that is the action Council finally takes. <br />IMPACT OF SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS <br />At the statewide special election held on May 19, 2009, California voters considered several <br />fiscal propositions, which if passed, would help in balancing the state budget. Voters rejected <br />five of the six ballot measures further exacerbating the state budget deficit. As a result the state <br />may exercise its ability to "borrow" revenues from local government as provided for in <br />Proposition lA, which was passed in 2004. <br />