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Santos requested that the poll also include the public's opinion on supporting a Hospital Tax and <br />Councilmember Gregory would like to also ask about Library Assessment Districts. <br />Public Comment <br />Charles Gilcrest stated that when polling the public on the support of a Hospital Tax, the poll <br />should go beyond the citizens of San Leandro as people from other cities also utilize the services <br />provided. Mr. Gilcrest also stated that the failure of the Public Safety Parcel Tax in the prior <br />election was due to the overwhelming bond measures. <br />4. Update on General Fund Revenue and Expenditures for FY 2008-09 <br />Interim Finance Director Carter provided a brief update of the revenues and expenses for fiscal <br />year 2008-09. The shortfall is predicted to be $8 million. Utility User Tax (UUT) and the 911 <br />Tax have declined. This is due to the decrease of the Telecommunications part of the UUT from <br />6% to 5.7% and the estimate of the 911 Fee short fall was underestimated. However, the 911 <br />Tax for 2009-10 has been restated and will provide another $1 million above the ending balance. <br />The City continues to save in salaries and benefits as well as supplies and service expenses. <br />Mayor Santos inquired where the City might find $1.8 million that the State may take away. <br />Carter stated the first thing would be to look at expenses of the City and possibly borrow from <br />other funds. Councilmember Prola inquired when the State does pay the City back the $1.8 <br />million, does the State have to pay it back with interest. Hollister explained that the State can <br />only take the mandated 10% from the City and must pay back within 3 years plus interest. If the <br />State fails to reimburse the City within 3 years, then the State will no longer be able to borrow <br />funds from the City of San Leandro. <br />Public Comment <br />None <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />None <br />6. Public Comments <br />None <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. <br />