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RulesCommunications Highlights 2009 0526
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RulesCommunications Highlights 2009 0526
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6/12/2009 10:00:01 AM
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6/12/2009 10:00:00 AM
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Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes UNAPPROVED/DRAFT April 23, 2009 <br />Agenda No. 09-08 Page 1 of S <br />Item 7: Miscellaneous <br />a). Discussion of possible proposal to merge the Board of Zoning Adjustments and Planning <br />Commission <br />Mr. Sims began by explaining that the City Council asked for this item to be scheduled on the Planning <br />Commission's agenda as a way of beginning a dialog about whether it makes sense to merge the Planning <br />Commission and the BZA. This idea has come and gone over the years; the Mayor recalled talking about <br />it as far back as the early 1980s. It has come up again primarily due to budget issues. Mr. Sims continued <br />by putting Community Development and the budget situation in context to help Commissioners <br />understand why the issue has been raised and bringing up some pros and cons. He said he will take the <br />Commissioners' feedback to the City Council and that he also will make the presentation to the BZA on <br />May 7 for its member input. <br />To set the stage for the conversation, he provided an overview of the Community Development <br />Department. San Leandro's legacy of community development goes back to the City's incorporation, but <br />more recently in the mid-20th Century, when planning became more prominent in local government. At <br />that time, San Leandro faced significant challenges around land use, growth and other issues -issues that <br />planning is intended to address. Among those issues: inadequate housing, abandoned properties, <br />deteriorating strip commercial areas, contaminated industrial sites -things that had to be dealt with <br />through general plans, land use decisions, etc. San Leandro has addressed such issues in various ways, <br />much of it through the Planning Commission, the BZA and the Redevelopment Agency. <br />These efforts helped redevelop the downtown area in the late 1960s and early 1970s and strip commercial <br />areas, as well as creating business parks out of previously abandoned and contaminated industrial <br />properties, and transforming brownfield properties on the north end into the Cherrywood subdivision that <br />now houses more than 350 families. More recently, these efforts have transformed the old Islander Motel <br />into the 67-unit Casa Verde affordable housing complex, created the Auto Mall and revived Bayfair Mall <br />as Bayfair Center. Other efforts have led to the construction of new corporate office development, <br />downtown improvements in connection with the TOD strategy and so forth. Construction is underway on <br />the Creekside Office Building at the corner of Davis Street and San Leandro Boulevard, downtown <br />pedestrian improvements and San Leandro Plaza. work is in progress on West Joaquin Avenue, the new <br />senior center is under construction on East 14th Street and San Leandro High School's ninth grade <br />campus across the street is under construction as well. A new downtown parking garage to replace the <br />seismically unsound Estudillo Parking Garage behind Wells Fargo Bank is in the planning stages, as is <br />the Kaiser Medical Center project and San Leandro Crossings. <br />The Community Development Department is involved in facilitating all such projects and providing the <br />staff support the Planning Commission needs to make its decisions. The Community Development <br />Department comprises four divisions: <br />• Building Services -plan checking, inspections, building code enforcement, amulti-million-dollar <br />airport noise insulation program, green building standards development, FEMA flood mapping <br />and regulation and urban wildland interface (in the Bay-O-Vista area) in coordination with the <br />Fire Department <br />• Business Development -redevelopment activities, attracting and marketing restaurant and retail <br />businesses, engineering improvements in the downtown area, event support such as the Farmers' <br />Market and other downtown activities, oversight of the LINKS shuttle program, parking garage <br />operations management and marina leases <br />• Housing Services -affordable housing financing and development, Block Grant program <br />oversight (including federal funds), housing policy (with City Council and Planning Commission) <br />
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