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RulesCommunications Highlights 2009 0526
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RulesCommunications Highlights 2009 0526
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6/12/2009 10:00:01 AM
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6/12/2009 10:00:00 AM
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Excerpts of Planning Commission Minutes UNAPPROVED/DRAFT Apri123, 2009 <br />Agenda No. 09-08 Page 2 of S <br />through the Housing Element of the General Plan as well as other policies, first-time homebuyers <br />program, single-family rehab program and the Everyone Home program to end homelessness (at <br />county level with other cities) <br />~ Planning Services -development review and plan check in synch with Building Services, plan <br />reviews for building permits, zoning ordinance administration, implementation of General Plan <br />and Land Use policies (such as the TOD Strategy), Housing Element (with Housing Services), <br />majar project review entitlements such as Kaiser Permanente, green building, CEQA compliance <br />and community design standards oversight. <br />Obviously, Mr. Sims said, the Planning Commission and BZA are integral parts of all of those activities <br />and the decisions that are made, either through setting policies or reviewing development projects that are <br />large enough or sensitive enough to require review. <br />Mr. Sims then shifted to talking about how San Leandro's budget situation affects the Community <br />Development Department and leads to the discussion about a possible merger of the Planning <br />Commission and the BZA. The City is facing a relatively modest increase in expenditures but a <br />significant reduction in revenue -about $11.4 million going into next year. The City's fund balance was <br />$25 million in 2006-2007; we will end this fiscal year on June 30, 2009, with a balance of about $11.3 <br />million. Without reducing expenditures, at the end of the next fiscal year (June 30, 2010) very little would <br />remain ($300,000); because that would be irresponsible from a fiduciary point of view, the City Council <br />intends to see that it does not fall so low. Accordingly, a combination of measures will be taken to reduce <br />expenditures to about $75 million, approximately $9 million lower than current spending. In this scenario, <br />expenditures would still exceed revenues and thus dip into the fund balance, but by not as much. Taking <br />expense-reduction measures would leave some $8 million in the reserve fund as of the end of 2009-2010. <br />The City Council and City Manager have asked fora 15% cut from the General Fund portion of the <br />Community Development Department budget. Much of the department operates on Redevelopment <br />Agency funds and federal funds, but a 15% reduction in the General Fund portion translates into about <br />$508,000. <br />Community Development already has eliminated funding for attendance at the League of California <br />Cities Planning Commissioners Institute and for staff travel (except what is necessary to maintain <br />certificates that certain staff have). Neither Building Services nor Planning Services -the two Community <br />Development Department divisions that depend most on General Fund money -has much flexibility on <br />non-staff expenditures because most of their expenses are staff-related (wages and benefits). Thus, <br />Community Development is eliminating three positions that are currently vacant (one Planner, one <br />Administrative Assistant and one Senior Building Inspector) except for the part-time services of a retired <br />building inspector and a contract planner through June 30. The department is also considering eliminating <br />a part-time permit clerk position in Planning Services and afull-time permit clerk who works in Planning <br />Services as well as Building Services and Housing Services and plays a major role in business license <br />review. <br />As a result of these cuts, Mr. Sims anticipates significant delays in planning and zoning entitlements. We <br />currently pride ourselves in processing applications within two to three months; the cuts would make that <br />four to six months. He also anticipates serious delays in issues related to planning policy, Zoning Code <br />and General Plan changes and special planning projects. He said the cuts would eliminate same-day <br />building inspection services and over-the counter zoning reviews, and probably cut Planning Services <br />counter hours by half. Calls coming in on the Planner-of--the-Day (POD) line would not be answered <br />immediately. There also would be delays in both providing and updating property and permit information. <br />Business license reviews would be delayed. The Rent Review program would be suspended. The job fair <br />held in conjunction with Oakland would be eliminated. <br />As for the possible merger of the Planning Commission and the BZA, he said that some time-consuming <br />work would be involved in amending the Municipal Code and Zoning Code to make such a merger <br />
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