but not limited to halls, lobbies, elevators, laundry rooms, storage rooms, garages, outdoor eating
<br />areas, gardens, court yards, lawns, play areas and swimming pools.
<br />(h) "Nonprofit Entity" means any entity that meets the requirements of California
<br />Corporations Code Section 5003 as well as any corporation, unincorporated association or other
<br />entity created for charitable, religious, philanthropic, educational, political, social or similar
<br />purposes, the net proceeds of which are committed to the promotion of the objectives or purposes
<br />of the entity and not to private gain. A public agency is not a nonprofit entity within the meaning
<br />of this Section.
<br />(i) "Place of Employment" means any area under the legal or de facto control of an
<br />Employer, Business or Nonprofit Entity that an Employee or the general public may have cause
<br />to enter in the normal course of operations, but regardless of the hours of operation, including,
<br />for example, indoor and outdoor work areas, construction sites, vehicles used in employment or
<br />for business purposes, taxis, employee lounges, conference and banquet rooms, bingo and
<br />gaming facilities, long-term health facilities, warehouses, and private residences that are used as
<br />child care or health care facilities subject to licensing requirements.
<br />(j) "Playground" means any park or recreational area designed in part to be used by
<br />children that has play or sports equipment installed or has been designated or landscaped for play
<br />or sports activities, or any similar facility located on public or private school grounds, or on City
<br />grounds.
<br />(k) "Public Place" means any place, public or private, open to the general public
<br />regardless of any fee or age requirement, including, for example, bars, restaurants, clubs, stores,
<br />shopping malls, stadiums, parks, playgrounds, taxis, and buses.
<br />(1) "Reasonable Distance" means a distance that ensures that occupants of an area
<br />in which Smoking is prohibited are not exposed to secondhand smoke created by smokers
<br />outside the area. This distance shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet.
<br />(m) "Recreational Area" means any area, public or private, open to the public for
<br />recreational purposes regardless of any fee requirement, including, for example, parks, gardens,
<br />sporting facilities, stadiums, and playgrounds.
<br />(n) "Service Area" means any area designed to be or regularly used by one or more
<br />persons to receive or wait to receive a service, enter a public place, or make a transaction
<br />whether or not such service includes the exchange of money including, for example, ATMs,
<br />bank teller windows, telephones, ticket lines, bus stops, and cab stands.
<br />(o) "Significant Tobacco Retailer" means any tobacco retailer that derives seventy-
<br />fivepercent (75%) or more of gross sales receipts from the sale or exchange of tobacco products
<br />and tobacco paraphernalia.
<br />(p) "Smoking" means possessing a lighted pipe, lighted cigar, or lighted cigarette of
<br />any kind, or the lighting of a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind, including, but not limited to,
<br />tobacco, or any other weed or plant.
<br />(q) "Tobacco Product" means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but
<br />not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, or
<br />any other preparation of tobacco.
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