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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />May 26, 2009 <br />i~ <br />The cost of the system is $350,000, which would need to be divided among the cities that <br />would use the system. The Alameda County Counsel has prepared a draft cost-sharing <br />agreement, and each participating city would pay a proportional cost, based on the number of <br />registered voters in that city. San Leandro's cost for the system would be approximately <br />$42,000. <br />Committee Member Stephens commented that he would be in favor of considering the use of <br />RCV once the system is certified. <br />Committee Member Souza stated that she would not be in favor of changing the election date <br />before the RCV system is certified. <br />Charles Gilcrest commented that the City would see a small cost savings in FY 2009-10 if the <br />June 2010 election was moved to November 2010, but the City Council should not consider <br />moving the election date before the RCV system is certified. Mr. Gilcrest stated that RCV <br />enjoys a high approval rating among users, and results in higher public support for those who <br />are elected. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Procedures for Public Speakers at Council and Committee Meetings <br />Chair Santos noted the difficulty that he and the City Clerk have experienced when managing a <br />large number of public speakers at City Council meetings. He and Ms. Handa have discussed <br />ideas for making the speaker rules clearer to members of the audience. They suggested adding an <br />announcement section at the beginning of the Council agenda, at which time speaker procedures <br />would be announced; including in the announcement a request that speakers submit a separate <br />card for each agenda item they wish to address; and posting a sign behind the staff table to <br />remind speakers when to tum in their cards. Chair Santos commented on the need to balance the <br />right of the public to speak with the need to conduct an orderly and efficient meeting. City <br />Attorney Jayne Williams indicated that the meeting chair should exercise extra diligence with <br />speakers during the conduct of public hearings. <br />The Committee discussed the suggestions, and agreed that they should be implemented. Chair <br />Santos noted that the City Council Committee chairs should also ensure that public comments are <br />allowed during each agenda item at Committee meetings. <br />Committee Member Souza asked whether the Mayor or City Council should respond to, or <br />engage in discussion with, public speakers. Committee Member Stephens expressed concern <br />about this type of exchange during a public meeting. Ms. Williams stated that the Council should <br />refrain from engaging in dialogue with members of the public during meetings. <br />