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Director Bakaldin stated that the boat launch ramp fee would be initiated as a pilot program. <br />Whichever fee collection system was used there is harbor staffing that would check if fees <br />were being paid twice per day. Supervisor Snodgrass clarified that the Iron Ranger has a good <br />track record in that it is the Ieast expensive and it is rarely vandalized. <br />Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommended that the matter be brought to the City Council with a <br />recommendation to initiate a pilot program with a boat launch ramp fee structure as <br />recommended by staff, with daily fees collected by an Iron Ranger self-register envelope <br />deposit bog using the `honor system' and that this pilot program be reviewed in sig <br />months. <br />Mr. Fernandez and Councilmember Prola stated that they would volunteer to pass out flyers to <br />boaters that a boat launch fee will soon be imposed. <br />3. Public Comments <br />There were no public comments provided. <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />Vice-Mayor Starosciak stated that the Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Shoreline-Marina Town Hall <br />meeting was well attended by the Shoreline Development Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) <br />and staff, however it was not well attended by the general public. She asked staff to <br />electronically mail reminders to the Shoreline CAC applicants who were not selected to be on <br />the panel a reminder that there will be another Shoreline-Marina Town Hall meeting on <br />Thursday, May 28, 2009, for them to attend and use as an opportunity to share their ideas or <br />visions of the future of the City's shoreline. <br />5. Adjourn -The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. <br />P:\Committees\Marina Committee\Highlights\2009\5-26-09 Marina Highlights.doc <br />