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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 8 <br />June 15, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2009-093 <br />, Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Participate <br />in a Cost-Sharing Agreement with StopWaste.Org for the Proposed Countywide <br />Resource Efficiency Project for Greening Existing Buildings and Landscapes <br />contributes approximately 4%, equivalent to $26,700, of the <br /> Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) allocation to <br />the Green Packages program). (3081) <br /> <br />M/S/C Prola and Gregory. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Santos) <br /> <br /> <br />B.Matter of Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Execute All Documents <br />Related to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) and Directing <br />Staff to Submit an Application by June 25, 2009 to the Department of Energy. <br /> <br />Facilities & Open Space Manager Debbie Pollart gave a short PowerPoint presentation, <br />providing information on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program <br />process, projects under consideration, and fiscal impact to the City. <br /> <br />Ms. Pollart responded to questions from the Council. <br /> <br /> Minute Order No. 2009-033 <br />, Motion Consenting to the Execution of a Letter of <br />Assurance by the Mayor as Required by the Department of Energy for Submittal <br />of Grant Application. (3151) <br /> <br />The City Council consented to the execution of a letter of assurance by the <br />Mayor as required by the Department of Energy for submittal of the grant <br />application. <br /> <br />M/S/C Prola and Souza. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Santos) <br /> <br /> <br />C.Matter of Approval of Additional Loan from the City of San Leandro HOME Funds (for <br />$400,000) to Alameda County Allied Housing Program (a.k.a. Allied Housing, Inc.) to <br />Assist in the Rehabilitation and Refinancing of an Affordable Housing Project Located <br />at 112 Garcia Avenue (Mission Bell Apartments) and Adopting Findings and <br />Authorizing Execution of Documents in Connection with Such Financing. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims provided a brief history of the project, <br />and introduced Housing Specialist Jean Hom. Ms. Hom gave a short PowerPoint <br />presentation, providing background on the Mission Bell Apartments; its acquisition and <br />rehabilitation by Allied Housing, Inc.; and the need for an additional $400,000 by Allied <br />Housing, due to unanticipated additional expenses. <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2009-094 <br />, Resolution of the City of San Leandro Approving an <br />Additional Loan to Alameda County Allied Housing Program to Assist in the <br />Rehabilitation and Refinancing of an Affordable Housing Project, and Adopting <br />Findings and Authorizing Execution of Documents in Connection with Such <br /> <br />