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EXHI®IT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1.0 background <br />Two large diameter sewer main lines cross San Leandro Creek near the north end of Preda Street <br />in San Leandro. The pipes are supported on 2 independent parallel bridge structures spanning <br />approximately 80'. City records indicate the first structure was built in1938 and the second in <br />1974. The crossings are considered a potentially high-risk facility because any leak of sewer <br />effluent would discharge directly into the creek and could cause unacceptable environmental and <br />water quality conditions. In addition to any penalty fees, costs for clean-up of the creek and <br />repair to the pipeline facility could be monumental. <br />'The previous first phase of this project analyzed the facility under normal, seismic and flood <br />loading conditions, and also included a geotechnical evaluation of slope stability and expected <br />foundation displacement. The findings of the analysis concluded: <br />• Foundations appear adequate and the creek banks appear stable <br />® Connections between the trusses and foundations are deficient and need to be upgraded <br />® Deficiencies in structural components of both bridge trusses have been identified; the <br />deficiencies are limited to two outer bays of each truss and can be upgraded by <br />augmenting on additional structural elements <br />• Existing bell and spigot joints of the pipelines will not accommodated expected <br />maximum deflections <br />® An internal insertion pipe will address deflection limits but the reduction in cross- <br />sectional area will not provide sufficient capacity <br />• Upgrade/replacement of the pipeline will cause disturbance into the creek banks and <br />therefore will require Agency Permitting <br />2.0 Scope of Services <br />Consultants -Tasks: <br />Task 1: Structural Engineering & Project Management <br />1. Project management and coordination of disciplines <br />2. Rerun structural analysis under revised response spectrum and any additional weight <br />from change in pipe and addition of joints, if applicable <br />3. Design additional seismic upgrade of bridge steel members <br />4. Update structural drawings to incorporate additional member upgrade <br />5. Update engineer's estimate of probable cost <br />6. Modify bridge to support flexible joints, if required <br />7. Structural components related to pipe extension beneath UP railroad, if required <br />Consulting Services Agreement between 593-52-121 <br />City of San Leandro and C+D Infrastructure Engineers Exhibit A Page 15 <br />