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8. Attend up to two meetings with the City staff <br />Task 2: Civil Engineering <br />1. Evaluation of alternatives <br />a. Types of restrained and flexible joints, types of pipe; types of coupling joints <br />b. Connection downstream of railroad verses extension to upstream manhole, if required <br />2. Addition of civil engineering sheet(s) to contract documents <br />3. Addition of technical provisions relating to pipe and joint and engineer's estimate of <br />probable cost to specification package <br />4. Addition of any general permit requirements, received from Union Pacific and/or <br />ACFC&WCD, incorporated into the contract documents in the form of general notes or <br />references to standards or other documents. Such general permit requirements are anticipated <br />to consist of the requirements for encroachment and/or right of entry, for example <br />Task 3A: Environmental Consulting -Survey and Permit Preparation <br />Perform reconnaissance-level biological survey, including the following <br />a. Review of background information <br />b. Search of CDFG's natural diversity database <br />c. Site visit <br />d. Letter report including description of habitat types, special-status species observed, <br />description of sensitive habitats, recommendations. <br />2. Prepare CDFG application and supporting documentation <br />Task 3B: Environmental Consulting - CEQA Documentation <br />Project Initiation: LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) will meet with City staff to discuss project <br />characteristics, design requirements, environmental implications, and the need for <br />mitigation measures. Based on LSA's initial review of the proposed project and a <br />discussion with City's Planning Services staff (Phil Millenbah), the format of the <br />environmental process, deliverables, and schedule will be identified. An EIR is not <br />anticipated and is not included in this scope. However, if it is later determined that an <br />EIR is .required, then a contract change order will be negotiated to accommodate the <br />additional effort required in the preparation of the EIR. A site visit will be conducted to <br />provide detail for the environmental documentation including the physical setting. <br />2. Review Available Information: LSA will assemble and review all pertinent data <br />provided by the City and C+D for preparation of the Initial Study and a Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration, if required, as well as any other relevant technical <br />studies/documents. Such documents include, but are not limited to: project description; <br />conceptual drawings; boundary definition; and planning documents. The environmental <br />documents will incorporate technical information prepared by LSA in conjunction with <br />the regulatory permitting work and the reconnaissance level biological survey. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between 593-52-121 <br />City of San Leandro and C+D Infrastructure Engineers Exhibit A Page 16 <br />