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EXHIBIT B <br />COMPENSATION SCHEDULE ~ REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES <br />Consultant shall provide the Scope of Services defined in Exhibit A for this project on a Time- <br />and-Materials basis, not to exceed the limits as follows: <br />Task Billing Limit <br />Task 1 - Structural Engineering $20,500 <br />Task 2 - Civil En 'neerin $18,500 <br />Task 3A -Environmental - surve & ermit w/ 15% marku $10,000 <br />Task 3B -Environmental - CE A w/ 15% marku $24,000 <br />Task 4 - Construction Administration $7,000 <br />Sub-total Fee Proposed $80,000 <br />Any additional services beyond those detailed in Exhibit A shall bepre-approved in writing and <br />shall will be provided on either an hourly fee basis per the fee schedule shown on Exhibit D or a <br />mutually agreed upon lump surn fee. <br />Reimbursable Expenses <br />Reimbursable Expenses shall be billed at cost + 15% and shall include: <br />• Reproduction Materials <br />• Travel costs <br />• Postal/courier service <br />Reimbursable Limit <br />Total Compensation <br />$1,000 <br />$81,000 <br />Consulting Services Agreement between 593-52-121 <br />City of San Leandro and C+D Infrastructure Engineers Exhibit B Page 20 <br />