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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />volume I <br />Detailed investigations of manhole condition follows at a time when a connecting line segment is <br />defined as a rehab project, and corrections needed to the manhole structure are then included as <br />part of the project work. <br />Pump Station Inspections and Assessment <br />Pump stations are inspected on a weekly basis. Weekly inspections include visual check of the <br />equipment, manual cycling of pumps, checking and cleaning floats, recording hour meter <br />readings, and cleaning off debris. <br />Pump stations are inspected extensively every year. Extensive maintenance includes cleaning out <br />of sump, and removing pumps far inspection and repairs if necessary. <br />SSO Abatement <br />Data indicate that the large majority of stoppages and SSOs are caused by roots and grease in the <br />sewer. The City employs a comprehensive cleaning program for its sewers as a primary means of <br />SSO abatement. The program cleans sewers every year. Information about the maintenance <br />requirements of the pipes are managed and evaluated using the capabilities of the City's ICOM3 <br />CMMS. Some sewers are included in a focused cleaning program (hot spots). <br />The City evaluates the effectiveness of sewer cleaning in removing roots and grease by <br />performing post-cleaning CCTV inspection or by monitoring the amount of debris removed from <br />the system on a continuing and comparable basis. <br />Other Recommendations <br />In addition to capital costs associated with the correction of capacity and structural deficiencies, <br />other needs far the City's collection system have been identified. These needs include cyclic <br />replacement of 6-inch diameter sewers and keeping the City's Sewer Master Plan up to date. <br />These recommendations are further described in the Master Plan. <br />Contingency Equipment and Replacement Inventories <br />The City of San Leandro has the following equipment available for emergency operations and <br />collection system maintenance. A complete list is included as part of Appendix D. <br />• 7 portable generators (5-125 KW) <br />• 4trailer-mounted bypass pumps <br />• ltruck-mounted continuous rodder <br />• 1 combination cleaning truck <br />• 1 hydro jet cleaning truck <br />• 1 closed circuit television truck <br />• 2 emergency response trucks <br />Pale ~1 <br />