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Reso 2009-115
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-115
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Last modified
7/23/2009 11:31:20 AM
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7/23/2009 11:31:18 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />A rating schedule for line damage covering the range from light to medium to severe damage is <br />applied to each condition found. The sum of these individual damage ratings divided by the <br />length of the line televised provides a damage rating per foot value defined as the Damage. <br />Severity Index (DSI) for the line segment. <br />DSI = Sum of individual damage ratings =Damage Rating / Ft. <br />Length of line segment televised <br />The DSI value of the line segment defines its relative damage ranking among any of the line <br />segments having undergone a condition assessment. The DSI value is calculated and included as <br />an item in the line segment record when the VUCA data is added to the database. <br />A DSI query of the CMMS database provides a listing of the VUCA investigated line segments <br />ordered from worst to least. This listing provides knowledge of the most significantly damaged <br />lines of system and those most likely in need of immediate repair. Engineering investigation of <br />the Condition Assessment data for these lines and funding concerns will define the plan of <br />rehabilitation improvements for the upcoming year. The DSI value is the key to selecting only <br />needed and necessary improvements to the system to avoid overflows and return the collection <br />system to safe and functional service to the community. DSI values are also used to reschedule <br />the next CCTV/condition assessment work for the less than significantly damaged line segments. <br />Overall, the condition assessment completed during the last five years has found the system is in <br />good to moderate condition. Of the pipes included in the assessment, approximately 35% were in <br />good condition, 63% in moderate condition, and 2% in poor condition. In pipe reaches with <br />defects, the most numerous structural defects were sags, followed by offset joints and <br />longitudinal cracks. The City also has an annual CIP project for pipe rehabilitation, asdiscussed <br />in Section 8. <br />In order to continue to effectively identify and prioritize sewer rehabilitation and repair needs, <br />the City plans to apply the same rating system to future CCTV inspection results. The City will <br />use the system to facilitate the development of the scope for the annual sewer repair CIP <br />projects. <br />Manhole Inspections <br />Inspections conducted for manholes involve a visual assessment of the overall manhole condition <br />and observed deficiencies that could result in UI. As part of the focused and cyclic cleaning <br />programs, City maintenance staff visually inspect manholes for corrosion, debris or damage <br />around the base, cracks or holes, and condition of manhole steps. <br />Ratings applied to manhole investigations use a condition codes for each of the manhole <br />structure components including the rim and lid, chimney/cone, bench and channel. Each <br />component is rated as poor, fair, or good condition as a gross determination of construction <br />adequacy of the structure and its component parts. <br />~~~e ~ ~.s <br />
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