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<br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, Page - 8 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, and San Leandro <br />Economic Development Agency Joint Meeting - May 5, 1997 <br />Council Member Lothrop concluded her comments by commenting on how <br />much she enjoyed the Cinco de Mayo celebration this afternoon at the <br />Civic Center complex. <br />4. Council Member Loeffler commented that he appreciated the vote of the <br />Council in selecting him as Vice Mayor this evening, and he is <br />looking forward to advice from his colleagues as they work together <br />for the City. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler further reported on a recent meeting with the <br />Human Resources Commission at which concerns were expressed regarding <br />Welfare Reform and child-care issues. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler also commended staff on the recent Open House for <br />the Civic Center Complex, indicating it was a great success. He also <br />commended the citizens of San Leandro who joined with Oakland <br />residents which helped make a recent ABAG-sponsored event a success. <br />5. Council Member Glaze commented briefly on the City Hall Open House <br />and the Cinco de Mayo event, which are both fine examples of bringing <br />citizens into the City Hall complex. He feels this is an event that <br />is worthy of being held annually. <br />6. Council Member Polvorosa also commented on the recent Open House, <br />stating that it was a wonderful opportunity for the public to get a <br />different perspective on what we do at City Hall. He, too, feels <br />this should be an annual event. <br />7. Council Member Young commented on a recent article in the Daily <br />Review regarding Union City and their ban on pornographic materials. <br />She encouraged the Council to support asking the City Attorney to <br />bring an ordinance forward regarding the display of materials on <br />magazine racks. Council was supportive of her request. <br />Council Member Young also commented on the recent opening of the <br />Calico Center in San Leandro, adding that they are in need of video <br />equipment in order to do video interviews. She indicated that she <br />would like to help them find funds from other sources, perhaps some <br />CDBG funding, to help facilitate their needs. <br />The City Manager indicated that, because the Calico Center is a <br />County-wide service, there might be other cities/agencies that would <br />be able to help assist. He indicated he will check with other <br />agencies and see if it would be possible for them to provide <br />assistance. <br />Council Member Young additionally congratulated David Sams for the <br />job he has done managing the Tony Lema golf course. She indicated <br />that she would like to see a staff report soon on the status of the <br />golf course. <br />