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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, Page - 7 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, and San Leandro <br />Public Financing Authority Joint Meeting - May 19, 1997 <br />Council Member Young requested to see the exhibits and commented on the <br />housing of Alzheimer's patients in this facility. She clarified that <br />they will have a separate section that will be secured for their safety. <br />Council discussion with the Applicant also clarified that the facility <br />will have 20-25 persons per shift, 24 hours a day. They will only be <br />open to the public during specific hours. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Gerald Damewood, 1002 East 14th Street, addressed the Council, noting <br />that he lives above the Clock Shop; and he has some concerns with how he <br />is going to be able to relocate his family. He asked if the City would <br />be able to assist him with relocation efforts by placing a requirement <br />on the developer. <br />John Jermanis, City Manager, responded that this is strictly a private <br />development; and the City is only helping the developer to obtain <br />financing. The City would not require the developer to provide <br />assistance for his relocation, but they would encourage him to give <br />appropriate notice. Mr. Jermanis concluded by stating the City may have <br />resources available to Mr. Damewood through housing programs, and staff <br />could provide that information to him upon request. <br />Paul Tenduscata, addressed the Council, noting that he lives directly <br />behind the proposed project, and the proposal includes a very tight <br />fence line. He voiced concerns with landscaping and the types of trees <br />that are proposed to be used. He commented that the final plan may have <br />some landscaping materials that would create problems for him, and he <br />would like to have an opportunity to review that plan before approval, <br />in order to protect himself from anything extreme. He concluded by <br />voicing concerns with traffic-related, visual problems as they exist <br />already on Haas Avenue. <br />Dr. Engle responded to the comments and noted that he has no problem <br />whatsoever in working with Mr. Tenduscata regarding the landscaping <br />plans. He feels fortunate to benefit from Mr. Tenduscata's knowledge as <br />it relates to trees and what would work best there. <br />In response to concerns expressed by Mr. Damewood regarding relocation, <br />Dr. Engle commented that he could not commit to any kind of assistance, <br />as there would be ramifications beyond this person. He did note they <br />would be giving written notice to tenants well in advance. <br />Carol Rinaldi, Representing the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the <br />Council, stating the Chamber supports the proposed development, feels it <br />is a quality project, and commends the developer for the outreach he has <br />done in the community. On behalf of the Chamber, she urged Council to <br />approve the project. <br />