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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 3 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - August 18, 1997 <br />E. Proclamation Declaring August 10, 1997, Penafrancia Day in San Leandro. <br />The Mayor presented a Proclamation to Mrs. Parafina, who was accompanied <br />by her daughter. The Mayor noted the affiliation the City has with a <br />Sister City in Naga City, Philippines, and the wonderful Filipino <br />community which is very active in the City of San Leandro. The Mayor <br />presented the Proclamation to Mrs. Parafina, along with a card signed by <br />the City Council, in celebration of her 75th birthday. <br />3. PUBLIC HEARING -- CITY COUNCIL ONLY <br />A. Matter of A-97-5; Reclassification from RM 1800 Residential Multi-Family <br />District to RM 1800 (PD) Residential Multi-Family Planned Development <br />Overlay District; and PD-97-6; Planned Development to Construct a Five- <br />Story, 72-Unit, Assisted-Living Retirement Community at 1240 Clarke <br />Street, Southeast Corner of Clarke and Davis Streets; Assessor's Parcel <br />Number 75-16-8; W. Foster, Applicant; L. Stutzman, Property Owner; RM <br />1800 Residential Multi-Family District. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br />matter, Steve Emslie, Planning Director, gave a brief staff report and <br />introduced Elmer Penaranda, who reviewed the plans in greater detail. <br />Bill Foster, Applicant, and Audrey Moore, Architect, answered questions <br />posed by the Council regarding structure and design of the building, <br />visual impacts, and ingress and egress issues. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Ken Godio, 1240 Clarke Street, representing his mother, who is deceased, <br />as well as the heirs of the property, addressed the Council, stating <br />that his children (the heirs) are in agreement with what is being <br />proposed this evening. He added that the plan fits with his mother's <br />dream of what should be done with the property. He urged the Council to <br />approve the proposal. <br />Al Rosenga, 534 Parrot Street, representing the Peralta Citizens' <br />Homeowners' Association, addressed the Council. He noted this is the <br />result of much thought and feels it will enhance the neighborhood. He <br />hopes it will trigger upgrading of the property across the street, as <br />well. He stated this will be a very compatible project with the <br />Creekside proposal, which to be discussed later this evening. He feels <br />the building was designed with the safety of the individuals who would <br />be living there in mind. He concluded by stating the Association urges <br />the Council's support for this project. <br />Tom Guarino, 262 Davis Street, representing the Chamber, addressed the <br />Council. He stated they agreed with Al Rosenga, who articulated the <br />Chamber's position, also. He noted the Chamber's support of the project <br />and the social uses they believe it will provide. He added that this <br />project was very well thought out and urged Council's support. <br />