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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 2 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - September 2, 1997 <br />REGULAR MEETING -- 7:00 P.M. -- CITY CouNCI~. CHAMBERS <br />1. CALL TO ORDER <br />A. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag <br />B. Roll Call <br />PRESENT: Council Members Galvan, Glaze, Loeffler, Lothrop, Polvorosa, <br />Young; Mayor Corbett <br />ABSENT: None <br />2. PRESENTATIONS <br />A. Proclamation Declaring September 1997 Constitution Month in San Leandro. <br />Martin Francis accepted the Proclamation from the Mayor. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Resolution Offering Reward for Apprehension of Perpetrator (provides for <br />reward of $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction <br />of the person or persons involved in the recent drive-by shootings in <br />Washington Manor). <br />Police Chief Bob Maginnis gave brief remarks regarding the request and <br />reported on the community meeting which was hel d i n Washington Manor <br />last week. <br />Bob Lee, President of the Washington Manor Homeowners' Association, <br />addressed the Council and added that the Homeowners' Association has <br />resolved to add $500 to the reward amount. He commented that their area <br />had previously had a low crime rate. He noted they have also received <br />$165 in anonymous, private donations for the reward fund. He concluded <br />by stating -the Washington Manor community is grateful for the meeting <br />and the information provided, adding that there is strong support far <br />the Neighborhood Watch Program. <br />Jeff Brooks, a Board Member of the Washington Manor Homeowners' <br />Association, echoed comments made by Mr. Lee and said there should be <br />additional funds coming in to add to the $10,000 reward. <br />Council Member Glaze commented on his admiration for the effort the <br />Police Chief and the Police Department have put forth in terms of their <br />responsiveness to this issue, as well as the Mulford Gardens community. <br />He continued by thanking the community for the additional reward money <br />raised and remarked about the genuine outpouring of concern from the <br />neighborhood and the community. <br />