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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />November 17, 1997 <br />Page - 6 - <br />County and Federal tax incentives to hire formerly on welfare or <br />community general assistance. These incentives can be as much as X3,500 <br />or 13% rebate on the first 26 weeks of the employee's salary...." He <br />noted he feels we are establishing something that will be benefiting <br />someone because they are going to hire somebody because they are also <br />going to be benefiting and the taxpayers are picking up the whole tab - <br />whether it comes from the Federal government or the State. He concluded <br />by stating he feels this should be looked into - all the T's crossed, <br />all the I's dotted. He noted he is aware of three different gatherings <br />going on today in San Leandro that are discussing development, <br />redevelopment, and everything else that goes along with it. It is not <br />an issue that is not being considered within the City of San Leandro. <br />It is not going to go away - it will have to be responded to in a proper <br />way and manner. <br />June Catalano introduced Jerry Hunt and Ethan Daniels, representing <br />Pacific Retail Trust, which has recently purchased the Plaza I Shopping <br />Center. They commented briefly on their vision for the center and noted <br />they are a local firm in Walnut Creek. They are committed to providing <br />the highest level of service to the community. <br />H. Louis Heystek, Youth Advisory Commissioner, addressed the Council and <br />encouraged them to attend the YAC's Annual Planning Retreat Dinner at <br />the Brass Putter Restaurant on Friday, November 21, 1997. He also <br />encouraged the Council to be supportive of the YAC reappointments and <br />appointments on tonight's Agenda. <br />5. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered <br />for approval by the City Council with one single action. The City Council <br />may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. <br />Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read by title. <br />The Consent Calendar was approved as follows: <br />M/S/C Glaze and Polvorosa. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />A. Minutes of the Meeting of October 20, 1997. Approved as submitted. <br />B. Minutes of the Meeting of November 3, 1997. Approved as submitted. <br />C. Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 10, 1997. Approved as <br />submitted. <br />D. Resolution No. 97-148, Resolution Accepting Subdivision Improvement Work <br />for Tract 6692; Amber Court; for Development of 40 Single-Family Units <br />at 319, 375 and 377 Preda Street; Developer: Preda Street Developers, <br />L.P. (provides for initial acceptance of subdivision improvement work <br />constructed by Preda Street Developers, L.P., on Preda Street between <br />Minerva Street and San Leandro Creek, and releasing bonds for said <br />work). (2773) <br />