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Mobile Home Grant Program <br />The Mobile Home Grant Program provides grants from Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funding for <br />rehabilitation or seismic retrofitting of owner-occupied mobile home units. The maximum grant is <br />$5,000. The program will assist approximately 25 mobile home units occupied by very low income <br />owners over the next five years. <br />Apartment Rehabilitation Program <br />The program preserves affordable rental units. Using Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds, the <br />Agency will provide low-interest loans to property owners in return for the owner maintaining a <br />percentage of their units as affordable for 55 years. It is estimated that approximately 10 rental units <br />will be created over the next five years. <br />Support Maintenance of Existing Section 8 Assistance Certificates and Vouchers <br />^ Continue to support the Alameda County Housing Authority maintain its existing level of Section 8 <br />housing vouchers in Sau Leandro (1,154 as of February 2005). The program provides assistance to very <br />low-income tenants through rent subsidies which are paid directly to the landlord. <br />Geographic Distribution <br />All programs listed are available to eligible households throughout the City of San Leandro. <br />Priority: Assist low and moderate income first time homebuvers <br />Priority Analysis and Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs <br />The Alameda County HOME Consortium prepared in part the following analysis of first time homebuyer <br />needs and obstacles. As a Consortium member, the City of San Leandra subscribes to this priority and has <br />proposed activities that meet the objective of assisting low- and moderate-income first time homebuyers. <br />The Alameda County HOME Consortium Housing Needs Analysis documented that a sizable proportion of <br />households eaniing moderate income (80% of median income) spend over 30% of their incomes on housing <br />costs. This is partly due to the long-team trend of Bay Area household incomes not keeping pace with <br />increasing rental and ownership costs. The gap between median incomes and median home prices is sizable. <br />In 2004, the HUD median household income (for a family of four) for Alameda County was $82,200, while <br />the median home price was $480,000 (for December 2004 according to DataQuick Information Systems). <br />The median home price (as of December 2004 according to the Califonlia Association of Realtors) in San <br />Leandro was $480,000, which was a 40% increase from the City median home price three years before. The <br />Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan - FY 2005-09 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 10 <br />