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Timing <br />VTD is committed to completing the required scope of work within the City's desired timelines. Although we are <br />flexible in responding to issues which may arise, our ability to execute our scope of work in accordance within requested <br />timelines is dependent on the City's ability to ensure timely and accurate closing of the accounting records. <br />As discussed earlier in the proposal we anticipate running the audit in three different phases: <br />^ Pre-audit and planning phase <br />- We anticipate scheduling the pre-audit and planning phase during the months of March -May <br />^ interim Fieldwork <br />- We anticipate scheduling the interim audits during the months of May -July <br />^ Final Fieldwork <br />- We anticipate scheduling the final audits to meet with a mutually acceptable timeline. <br />A key element to timing is service. As with any timeline unexpected circumstances may occur. VTD has always <br />been flexible in working with our clients. We understand that as we work through the audit process circumstances may <br />occur that will require timelines, fieldwork, meetings, etc. to be rescheduled. We will work with the City of San Leandro to <br />provide timely and flexible services to the best of our abilities. <br />30 <br />