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I. INTRODUCTION <br />Submittal of an annual housing report is' required by Section 65400 of the State Government <br />Code and requires that a jurisdiction provide an update on: 1) progress in meeting the Regional <br />Housing Needs Production goals including affordable housing production; 2) progress on <br />implementing the various goals, policies and programs contained in the Housing Element; and 3) <br />progress towards mitigating governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement and <br />development of housing. <br />The City's Housing Element was adopted by the San Leandro City Council on January 21, 2003 <br />and was certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development on April 15, <br />2003. Sections II and III of this report, contained in the first eight pages, provide an encapsulated <br />summary of San Leandro's progress on Housing Element Implementation and addresses the <br />three reporting requirements described in the above paragraph. <br />The last section of the report, Section IV (pages 9-52), provides a detailed update, in response to <br />the State's reporting requirements, of the City's ongoing progress in implementing each of the <br />Housing Element's goals, policies and actions. <br />II. PROGRESS IN MEETING THE REGIONAL HOUSING NEED <br />The City of San Leandro was allocated 870 housing units for the 1999 - 2006 planning period by <br />the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regional Housing Needs Plan. The <br />allocations were finalized by the ABAG Board of Directors in March 2001 while San Leandro <br />was nearing the end of its General Plan Update effort. As part of this effort, the City conducted a <br />land inventory which provided the basis of the required "Adequate Sites Analysis." Although <br />State law does not require the City to physically construct these units, the Adequate Sites <br />Analysis shows that there is an adequate supply of land to accommodate the City's assigned <br />housing production goal. Housing production was last updated covering the period between <br />January 1999 and January 1, 2002. This report accounts for housing production activity between <br />January 2002 and the end of calendar year 2004. <br />The next section contains two tables. Table 1 accounts for housing production between 1999- <br />2002, and for the period between 2002 and the end of 2004. Table 2 provides a detailed listing of <br />individual residential development applications that were approved between January 2002 to the <br />end of calendar year 2004. The numbers in Table 1 will need to be adjusted as San Leandro <br />continues to approve additional units in the future. <br />From January 1, 1999 to January 1, 2002, 1,227 units were either completed or had received <br />planning entitlements or under construction. The period between January, 2002 through the end <br />of December 2004 saw an overall decline in housing production from the previous reporting <br />period. Between this time period, the City either completed, approved planning entitlements or <br />Year 2004 Annual Housing Progress Report 1 City Of San Leandro <br />