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B-3 Reimbursable Expenses and Outside Costs <br />Consultants, Special Equipment, Reproduction, <br />Materials, and other outside charges: COST + 10% <br />Vehicle Transportation: $0.405 per mile <br />EXCEPTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION <br />1. Billing will total $_54,208_ at completion of proposed work scope and will be <br />billed monthly on a percentage complete basis. <br />2. The Scope of Work does not include payment of fees to Regulatory Agencies for <br />applications, permits, reports or prints. <br />3. Changes in the Scope of Work will be deemed "Extra Services" and will be billed <br />at the hourly rates presented in the attached Fee Schedule, or at a negotiated price <br />agreed upon prior to the performance of the services. The Consultant is required <br />to obtain written approval prior to commencing services outside the original <br />scope. <br />4. The Scope of Work does not include any reproductions or copies other than those <br />specifically noted in the respective work tasks. All prints and reimbursable <br />expenses, such as delivery charges and subconsultants, will be invoiced at cost <br />plus 10% for handling. <br />5. This proposal is valid for sixty (60) days from submittal. <br />6. Rates subject to escalation on all contracts after January 1, 2006. <br />San Leandro Marina Channel and Berth Dredging 2006 July 22, 2005 <br />597-57-200-5120 Page 20 of 21 <br />