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1.0 Agreement ~~ <br />].] Th6 Administrafive Services Agreement (hereinafter the <br />'Agreemeni7 is made and entered into by and between the Plan <br />Sponsor and Hartford Life Insurance Company, a Connediart <br />corporafion (hereinafler'Hartford Life'}. Itfs hereby reprPSented <br />by the Wan Sponsor that the Plan Sponsor has authority to ad <br />for the Pion and to contract for services on bet~lf of the Plan. <br />1:2 Tha purpose of th~ Agreement is to facilitate the <br />maintenance of Indaidual Accounts and the admin~tration of the <br />Plan with respect to those Investment Options offered by <br />Hartford Life and auttror¢ed by the Flan Sponsor as it pertains to <br />accounting for corrtribufions, benefit payments, the wrthhokfing of <br />taxes from such bermfd payments, and the proper reporting to <br />Partcipants, annuitants, and governmental agerrdes, wh~h shall <br />be provided in accordance with the products end serves <br />described in Hartford Life's response to the City of San Leandro's <br />Request f~ Proposal dated July 30, ZD03 and Hartford Life's <br />September 26, 2003 finals presentation to the Cdy of San <br />Leandro. The Plan Sponsor represents that during the term of <br />ths Agreement, and with respect to the services t4 be provided <br />by Hartford Life under this Agreement, that Hartford Life shall be <br />the exdrrsive provicbr of sr~h services to the Wan. <br />1.3 Udess expressly provided othenrise, the services rendered <br />by Flartford Life pursuant to this Agreement shop be performed a1 <br />no additional cast to the Wan Sponsor. Upon the request of the <br />Plenr Sponsor, Hartford Life wpl make a r~sor>able attempt to <br />secure eppropriaie services, other tt~ those Wovided under this <br />Ageen-ent, from other soun~s with arty and all agreed upon <br />tees charged hack ip the Plan Sponsor. <br />21 As r,rsed herein, the fopowirrg words and phrases have the <br />m~nirigs act forth as in this Section, tmless this Agreement <br />expresdy prav~s otherwise: <br />'Code" mr,~rs the lntemal Revenue Code of ]986, as amended <br />inducting arty regulations or rulings thereunder, <br />"Employer'" means City of San Leandro; <br />"Individual AccotmY' means that portion of the Plan's assets in <br />an Imestmerrf Arrangement which is held for the benefit of a <br />Participant prrrsrmnt to the terms of the Plan; <br />"tnvesbnent Arrangement" means the arrarrgernent(s) between <br />the Plan Sponsor or Tnstee and Hartford life to fund the Wan; <br />'Irrves~rerrt Option" means any irnrrestment provided under one <br />or more Investment Arrangemer>ts; <br />'Partldpant" means an employee (or former employee) of the <br />Pisn Sponsor partidpating in the Plgn and far whom an account <br />under the Wan s maintained; <br />"Pthn° means the defened canpensation plan for employees of <br />the Cry of San Leandro, a plan established and maintained in <br />accordance with the provisions of Cade Section 457; <br />Klan Spora;or" means the Employer and its designated <br />representatives; <br />'Plan Sponsor Contact" mans <br />Name and/or Title Director, Human Resources Deparhneni 8 <br />the Finance Director, City of San Leandro <br />Address Civic Center <br />835 East ] 4~ Street <br />City, State, Zip San Leando, CA 94577; <br />'TrusC means the tn~t and custodial eccourds maintained by <br />the Trustee under the Wart's tnrst agreement; <br />`Trustiae° means the trustees} named in the Plan's trust <br />agreement, rf arty. <br />3.4 Harlthrd L'rfe w71 establish an Indvidual Aa:ount for each <br />Particpant, beneficary, or alternate payee under a Plan <br />approved domestic relations order. For each such accamt, <br />Hartford Life will record and mantain the fdlo~ring trrfonnation: <br />~) rune; <br />pr) soda! security ntmther, <br />(e) mailing address; <br />(d) date of birth; <br />(e) current irwestrnent apocation direction; <br />l~ wnthbutiors alocated and invested; <br />~ irwestmer>t transfers; <br />(h) benefit payment. <br />m beneficiary trrformation {provided by the Plan <br /> 5porrsor) <br />~ outstanding loardrepaymeni information <br />To ~tabfsh en Indn>ictral Account for an employee, the Pin <br />Sponsor, after determining such employee's e6gibilily render the <br />Pion, must provide Hadford LiFe wish an epp6cation. To establish <br />an Individual Account for an alternate payee, Hartford l.~e must <br />be provided: a ~ of fire wort approved domestic relations <br />order, a !attar from the Wan Sponsor approving the <br />establistment of the IndN~l Account which Shall ir>clude <br />spec'~ic instructions on the disposition of the amount in question <br />and the irwestment rights of the aflemate payee raider the Pinn; <br />and an eppGcatidn for the alternate payee. To establish an <br />Indnridual Accormi for a beneficiary, Hartford Lrfe must be <br />prrntided a certified ropy of the death certificate of the Pari~ipant <br />and an §ppdcetion for the benefcay. <br />3.2 Hartford Life wit provide a toll free telephone service, or <br />voice response unit (VRIn, that enables each Plan Partiap~tt to <br />perform certain functions which include, brit are riot Iknited tor: <br />