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PART II: ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN <br />STRATEGIC GOALS NARRATIVE <br />Under the Housing and Community Development Act and the National Affordable <br />Housing Act, three major goals are identified for the Community Development Block <br />Grant and HOME funds. These three goals are: <br />A. Provide decent housing <br />B. Provide a suitable living environment <br />C. Expand economic opportunity <br />In reference to these three goals, the 2000-05 Consolidated Plan outlined strategies, <br />comprising of objectives and activities to meet the housing and community development <br />needs. The Consolidated Action Plan for 2004-05 identifies specific programs and <br />activities to be implemented during the program year to assist the City in ultimately <br />reaching the goals developed in the five-year plan (Exhibit A). Activities undertaken <br />with HOME funds are also described in the Alameda County HOME Consortium Action <br />Plan. <br />Goal A: Provide Decent Housing <br />• Housing Needs Objectives: <br />The housing objectives of the Five Year Consolidated Plan and this Consolidated Action <br />Plan address the affordable housing needs of families in San Leandro. The objectives <br />focus on programs that will foster and maintain the stock of affordable housing. These <br />include: <br />Objective 1: Increase the availability of affordable rental housing <br />Activities: <br />• The City will support the Alameda County Housing Authority's applications for <br />additional Section 8 rental assistance vouchers that will be used by San <br />Leandro residents. <br />• With development of the Housing Strategy to meet the goals specified in the <br />Housing Element, the City will aggressively seek developers and consider <br />land banking. The City must still achieve its goals of developing 194 housing <br />units for low and very low income families by 2006. <br />• City staff will update the apartment rehabilitation program and begin <br />implementation of a new program. <br />Action Plan FY2004-OS <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page ]0 <br />