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Thence along said southwesterly right of way line, North 19°06'23" West, 66.567 <br />meters (218.40 feet); <br />Thence continuing along said southwesterly right of way line, northwesterly along <br />the arc of a 150.114-meter (492.50-foot) radius, tangent curve to the left, through <br />a central angle of 1 °56'25", an arc distance of 5.084 meters (16.68 feet) to the <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; <br />Thence continuing along said southwesterly right of way line, northwesterly along <br />the arc of a 150.114-meter (492.50-foot) radius, tangent curve to the left, through <br />a central angle of 1 °41'52", an arc distance of 4.448 meters (14.59 feet); <br />Thence leaving said southwesterly right of way fine, South 67°15'20" West, 1.230 <br />meters (4.04 feet); <br />Thence southeasterly along the arc of a 148.884-meter (488.46-foot) radius, non- <br />tangent curve to the right, the center of which curve bears South 67°15'20" West, <br />through a central angle of 1°41'52", an arc distance of 4.412 meters (14.48 feet) <br />to a line which bears South 68°57'12" West from the True Point of Beginning; <br />Thence North 68°57'12" East, 1.230 meters (4.04 feet to the TRUE POINT OF <br />BEGINNING. <br />Containing 5.4 square meters (59 square feet), more or less. <br />The bearing and distances described herein are based on the California <br />Coordinate System, NAD83. To obtain ground level distances, multiply distance <br />shown by 1.0000716. <br />Kier & Wright Civil Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. <br />~ ~~~p LAND S~~ff <br />ID- 63- c~~ <br />Alan C. Royce, . 5 82 " C. I?f74'C` ~ Date <br />License expires - - 7 ,~ ~;~,. ~_~~_r,l ~ ~~~ <br />~`~~t~~2 ~~ ~, <br />q~C.`r_ ~~ `~~ rf / <br />R,.Y~ _ri <br />Z:\2002\A02632\DOCS\A02632 CNTRY LIFE.DOC ~ Of ~ <br />