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6.5 Citizen Participation Plan and Amendments to the Citizen Participation Plan <br />6.5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: The CPP adoption and the amendment process for the <br />CPP are the same. HUD regulations require that the City provide reasonable <br />opportunity to the public to comment and present their views on the original CPP and <br />substantial amendments to it. These amendments may be made through the Citizen <br />Participation process, meeting the definition of "Substantial Change". <br />Substantial Change for the Citizen Participation Plan is defined as: <br />A change in the participation process stated in the original CPP for the Consolidated <br />and Annual Plans, amendments to them and the participation process for the CAPER. <br />6.5.2 THE PROCESS <br />1. Public Notice: Presentation of the CPP or substantial amendment(s) made to the <br />CPP requires advance notice to the public. This notice shall be published at least 30 <br />days prior to the scheduled date for the presentation of the Plan or the <br />amendment(s) to the Council at a public hearing. The notice shall be published in, at <br />least, one newspaper of general circulation, containing the. date, time and location of <br />the public hearing. The notice shall contain information about the purpose of the <br />CPP or any substantial amendment. The publication shall also include a list of <br />locations, as stated in Section 4.0, where the CPP and /or a list of the amendments <br />will be available to the public for comment. Free copies will be made available to the <br />public upon request. Copies will also be made available in a format accessible to <br />persons with disabilities, upon request. <br />2. Public Hearing: A public hearing to consider the amendments will be held at a City <br />Council meeting on a date announced in the notice published in the newspaper. See <br />Section 5.0 on public hearing requirements. Copies of the CPP or the amended <br />CPP will be made available to the public at locations listed in Section 4.0. <br />7.0 COMPLAINT PROCEDURES <br />Citizens are encouraged to provide their input to the City. A substantive written response will <br />be sent by the City within 15 working days of receipt of the comment. Citizens making the <br />complaints will be encouraged to propose alternative solutions. If there has been any <br />infraction of contract responsibilities, the citizens will be informed of this, and the City will be <br />advised to take measures to enforce the contract and rectify the situation. <br />8.0 ANTI-DISPLACEMENT POLICY <br />In the event that any residential displacement and relocation must take place in order to carry <br />out a project or activity, the City will ensure that an anti-displacement and relocation plan in <br />developed in connection with that project, as applicable per Federal regulations. The <br />relocation plan will be available to the public at the locations described in Section 4.0. The <br />Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan activities shall minimize the extent to which very <br />low, low and moderate income people will be displaced as a result of any proposed project. <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />