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Public hearings will be held after a notice has been published in a local newspaper, at least 14 <br />days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting. An agenda for the meeting shall be posted at <br />City Hall 72-hours prior to the meeting. Public hearings are usually held during City Council <br />meetings on every other Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers at City <br />Hall. The City is not responsible for providing public transportation to these meetings. Every <br />effort will be made to hear the testimony of all who wish to comment at a public hearing; <br />however, in the event that there is not enough time to hear everyone's testimony, the public is <br />encouraged to submit their comments in writing. <br />Special accommodations will be made for people with disabilities if a request is submitted <br />within five working days before the hearing. The request shall be submitted to the City Clerk's <br />Office. <br />The City will make every effort to provide translators for people who do not speak English, if <br />requests are made within five working days prior to the hearing to the City Clerk's office. <br />6.0 PLAN DEVELOPMENT <br />6.1 The Five-Year Consolidated Plan ("Consolidated Plan") <br />6.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: The Five-Year Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive <br />document, providing a detailed description of the housing and community development <br />needs in San Leandro, prioritizes them and then develops a strategy with goals and <br />activities for addressing the needs. <br />6.1.2 THE PROCESS: <br />1. In 2004, and every five years thereafter, the San Leandro Housing Services Division will <br />prepare a calendar containing a schedule for the preparation of the Consolidated Plan. <br />The schedule shall contain tentative dates for the preparation of the Plan along with the <br />dates for community meetings, public notices, public hearings, comment period start <br />and end dates, and when the proposed and final Plans are expected to be available to <br />the public. <br />2. Community meetings will be held at various locations convenient to the public. Because <br />the goal of the planning process is to have as many citizens as possible participate, the <br />City will send out notices to individuals and organizations on the CDBG mailing list, post <br />notices at neighborhood centers and other locations accessible to the public, and <br />advertise in the newspaper, local television cable channel and local radio station. The <br />objective of these meetings is to explain the purpose and process of the Consolidated <br />Plan, identify the needs in the community and clarify the vision San Leandro residents <br />have for the City. The needs will be prioritized and goals, objectives, and activities <br />developed that will be incorporated into the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. <br />3. Presentation to Council Sub-Committee: An initial draft of the Consolidated Plan will be <br />presented to the Council Business Development Sub-Committee, before presenting it to <br />the City Council at a public hearing. <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />