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Agmt 2004 Patson Company Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2004 Patson Company Inc
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Last modified
8/12/2009 3:14:56 PM
Creation date
8/11/2009 8:59:16 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Inst 2005007365
\City Clerk\City Council\Recorded Documents\2004
Reso 2004-137
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2004
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5. Work; Time for Commencement and Performance. City hereby fixes the. time for the <br />commencement of the required work to be on or about the September 7, 2004 and for its completion to be <br />on or before the September 7, 2005, At least 15 calendar days prior to the commencement of work <br />hereunder, Subdivider shall notify the City Engineer in writing of the date fixed by Subdivider for <br />commencement thereof, in order that the City Engineer shall be able to provide services for inspection. <br />6. Location of Construction Yard. Subdivider agrees to locate any construction yard for the storage <br />of equipment, vehicles, supplies and materials, or the preparation or fabrication thereof, to be used in <br />connection with the installation of improvements for said subdivision or the construction of buildings <br />therein, in such a manner so as to cause a minimum of inconvenience to persons living in the areas <br />immediately adjacent to said subdivision, including installation of appropriate fencing and screening and to <br />obtain the approval of the City Engineer as to the proposed location and standards for maintenance of the <br />yard. Immediately upon completion of the last building to be constructed in the subdivision, or unit thereof, <br />to which this agreement refers, Subdivider agrees to cease using the construction yard clear the site and <br />restore it to its original condition, and to remove therefrom all supplies, materials, equipment, or vehicles <br />being stored or kept thereon. Subdivider agrees not to use the construction yard in connection with the <br />installation of improvements or construction of buildings in any other subdivision, or any other unit of the <br />subdivision to which this agreement refers. City may extend the time within which the construction yard <br />may be used or within which supplies, materials, equipment or vehicles may be stored or kept thereon if <br />City shall determine that the granting of such extension will not be detrimental to the public welfare. No <br />extension will be made except on the basis of a written application made by Subdivider to the City Engineer <br />stating fully the grounds and facts relied upon for such extension. <br />7. Ri>;hts-of-Wa~Free From Obstruction. Subdivider agrees to keep and maintain all areas within <br />the improved or partially improved public streets or public rights-of--way contiguous and adjacent to and <br />within the hereinabove referred to Subdivision, including streets being constructed andlor improved <br />pursuant to this agreement, free and clear of all building materials, dirt, mud, sand, gravel, rocks, bricks, <br />stones, shingles, roofing material, lumber, tool sheds, construction buildings and other similar items at all <br />PARCEL MAP 8200 <br />SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT) <br />G:A LD\ Tract Map & Parcel Map~PM8200\SUBIMP(public).AGR,doc PAGE 3 OF 16 <br />
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