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• The Rent Review Board staff received 65 inquiries from tenants and 34 from <br />landlords. None of the complaints went to the Rent Review Board for <br />hearing. All were resolved at the staff level. <br />• The City contracts with ECHO Housing for landlord/tenant counseling <br />services. Services were provided to 427 persons. ECHO assisted with 173 <br />evictions cases, of which seven were prevented, nine retaliations cases, 73 <br />repairs, 58 deposits, 21 rent increases, 15 entries and 225 other categories. <br />Of the total, nine families in mobile home parks were assisted. Fifteen <br />families were given assistance in paying security deposits with the Rental <br />Assistance Program. Twenty-six cases were mediated, six were referred to <br />an attorney and 16 went to small claims court. <br />Homeless Needs Objectives: <br />The Homeless Objectives address the needs of the homeless population in San <br />Leandro identified in the 2000-2005 Consolidated Plan. <br />1. Maintain and improve the current capacity of the housing and shelter system, <br />expand transitional and permanent supportive housing, and provide services to <br />homeless individuals and families, including integrated health care, employment <br />services and other supportive services. <br />• The City funded Building Futures with Women and Children and Davis Street <br />Community Center to maintain the level of services provided to homeless <br />families. Between the two agencies, 2371 homeless and low income persons <br />received services. <br />2. Increase and expand activities designed to prevent those currently housed <br />from becoming homeless. <br />• Through a contact with ECHO housing, the City funded the administration of the <br />Rental Assistance Program assuring that nine families remained in housing. <br />3. Build on interjurisdictional cooperation and further coordination and <br />improvement of the homeless Continuum of Care System. <br />• The City provided a pro rata share of the salary of the Director of the Continuum <br />of Care Council to assure the system continues to function effectively. City staff <br />participated in the Council's project to count the homeless in shelters and to <br />determine the effectiveness of the shelter programs. <br />• The City hosted the meetings of the Continuum of Care Council and is hosting a <br />series of training sessions in 2004, focusing on homelessness. <br />5 <br />