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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1.0 Description and Location <br />Two 16 inch LD. sewer main lines cross San Leandro Creek near the north end of Preda Street in <br />San Leandro. The pipes are supported on 2 independent parallel bridge structures spanning <br />approximately SO'. City records indicate the first structure, built in1938, is a riveted steel <br />through truss bridge, supported on concrete piers at each end with shallow spread footings. (This <br />structure has been damaged; the top chord is bent down and in, it appears a tree may have fallen <br />onto the bridge and damaged the top chord and lateral bracing). The second structure is a welded <br />steel through truss bridge; no records were available for this structure. <br />This project is to analyze the structural performance of the existing bridges and foundations <br />under normal loads, pipe & bridge weight with pipe contents and structure and pipeline <br />performance during seismic activity. In addition to loss of service, a break or leak of the pipes <br />could cause negative environmental impacts and water quality impacts that are unacceptable. <br />This assessment should identify vulnerability and deficiencies. If the assessment shows that <br />there is risk of failure, then mitigation measures will be recommended. Possible upgrades may <br />include: strengthening the structures: improving the foundations; changing pipe type or using an <br />internal liner or double wall crossings. <br />2.4 Scope of Services <br />Consultants Tasks; <br />1. Site investigation to measure and document the bridges and evaluate condition of existing <br />pipelines <br />2. Determine dead, live and earthquake loads <br />3. Analyze existing bridges and foundations to determine forces and stresses -Demand <br />4. Calculate structure and foundation Capacity <br />5. Prepare Demand /Capacity Ratios to identify deficiencies <br />6. Prepare a Draft Report to include: <br />• Assessment of the structure regarding gravity and lateral (seismic) loads <br />• Assessment of the condition of the existing pipelines <br />Discussion of the risk(s) of failure <br />Discussion of Best Management Practices regarding a sanitary sewer over a creek <br />Discussion of Jurisdictional Agencies requirements <br />Identify the jurisdictional agencies <br />Discuss usual permit and regulatory compliance procedure and agencies <br />requirements (the study will not include: meetings with the agencies; project site <br />meetings; detailed environmental impact surveys; or detailed field studies) <br />Preda St-SL Creek Sanitary Sewer Upgrade Page 15 of 20 <br />Project No. 593-52-121 <br />