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Jurisdiction Specific trrcer-tive:~PrQ~ecf``DesG~w~~t%a~- ~ ~E; <br />If you want to propose a Jurisdiction Specific Incentive project, please answer the following <br />questions. Additional pages/attachments may be used if additional space is needed. <br />Project Name: Compost for Food <br />Amount Requested: 91 852.00 Total Project Budget: $ 97,692.00 <br />Project Duration: Three events over the next two fiscal years. Event duration is approximately <br />six weeks. <br />Project Service Area/Target Audience: ACI served San Leandro single-family residents. <br />Other Participating Agencies/Organizations: Alameda County Industries, Tandem Staffing. <br />1. Statement of Need: Identify the issue or need your project seeks to address. <br />Based on the 2000 Alameda County Waste Manaaement Authority Waste Characterization Study, <br />approximately 35.5% of San Leandro's waste stream consists of residential food scrap material. <br />In December 2002, San Leandro began encouraaing single-family residents to place their food <br />scrap in their yard waste container instead of their garbage container. This program is intended <br />to increase participation and awareness about food waste recvclinq. <br />2. Program Description: Describe the incentive project that you want to offer to your <br />residents, businesses, government agencies, multi-family buildings or schools. <br />Include program design and organization, specific tasks and activities, and essential <br />equipment involved in implementation. Indicate program goals and outcome objectives <br />(objectives should relate to anticipated impacts of the project.) <br />The portion of the City of San Leandro serviced by Alameda County Industries (ACI) will be <br />divided into sections based on yard waste collection routes. Yard waste is collected weekly in <br />San Leandro and there are three yard waste routes per day. Each route will be divided in half, <br />and approximately 450 households will be audited per day. All single-family residences that place <br />a yard waste cart at their curb will be surveyed over a period of six weeks. Those carts containing <br />any amount of detectable food scrap or food soiled paper (as determined by sight or smell) will be <br />given a coupon for a free bag of compost. Participation rates will be monitored based on the <br />number of coupons distributed. The resident will then be able to pick up their bag of compost at a <br />local nursery All residents who redeem their coupon will be entered into a contest to receive <br />cash and prizes from various San Leandro businesses. Three winners will be selected at a <br />drawing to be held shortly after the conclusion of each event. <br />3. Behavior Change: Describe the targeted agent and/or behavior you seek to change <br />with the incentive, the type of reward, and targeted materials. <br />The City of San Leandro plans to host three events in the next two fiscal years. We anticipate <br />extensive media coverage and as a result, increased publicity about food scrap recvclinq. In <br />Page 5 <br />